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#![doc(html_favicon_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zng-ui/zng/main/examples/image/res/zng-logo-icon.png")]
#![doc(html_logo_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zng-ui/zng/main/examples/image/res/zng-logo.png")]
//! Data view widget.
//! # Crate
#![doc = include_str!(concat!("../", std::env!("CARGO_PKG_README")))]
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use std::{any::TypeId, sync::Arc};
use zng_wgt::prelude::*;
/// Arguments for the [`DataView!`] widget.
/// [`DataView!`]: struct@DataView
pub struct DataViewArgs<D: VarValue> {
data: BoxedVar<D>,
replace: Arc<Mutex<Option<BoxedUiNode>>>,
is_nil: bool,
impl<D: VarValue> DataViewArgs<D> {
/// Reference the data variable.
/// Can be cloned and used in the [`set_view`] to avoid rebuilding the info tree for every update.
/// [`set_view`]: Self::set_view
pub fn data(&self) -> &BoxedVar<D> {
/// Get the current data value if [`view_is_nil`] or [`data`] is new.
/// [`view_is_nil`]: Self::view_is_nil
/// [`data`]: Self::data
pub fn get_new(&self) -> Option<D> {
if self.is_nil { Some(self.data.get()) } else { self.data.get_new() }
/// If the current child is nil node.
pub fn view_is_nil(&self) -> bool {
/// Replace the child node.
/// If set the current child node will be deinited and dropped.
pub fn set_view(&self, new_child: impl UiNode) {
*self.replace.lock() = Some(new_child.boxed());
/// Set the view to [`NilUiNode`].
/// [`NilUiNode`]: zng_wgt::prelude::NilUiNode
pub fn unset_view(&self) {
/// Dynamically presents a data variable.
/// # Shorthand
/// The `DataView!` macro provides a shorthand init that sets `view` property directly.
/// ```
/// # zng_wgt::enable_widget_macros!();
/// # use zng_wgt_data_view::*;
/// # use zng_wgt::prelude::*;
/// # fn main() { }
/// # fn shorthand_demo<T: VarValue>(data: impl IntoVar<T>, update: impl WidgetHandler<DataViewArgs<T>>) -> impl UiNode {
/// DataView!(::<T>, data, update)
/// # }
/// ```
/// Note that the first argument is a *turbo-fish* that defines the data type and is required.
/// The shorthand is above expands to:
/// ```
/// # zng_wgt::enable_widget_macros!();
/// # use zng_wgt_data_view::*;
/// # use zng_wgt::prelude::*;
/// # fn main() { }
/// # fn shorthand_demo<T: VarValue>(data: impl IntoVar<T>, update: impl WidgetHandler<DataViewArgs<T>>) -> impl UiNode {
/// DataView! {
/// view::<T> = { data: data, update: update };
/// }
/// # }
/// ```
#[widget($crate::DataView {
(::<$T:ty>, $data:expr, $update:expr $(,)?) => {
view::<$T> = {
data: $data,
update: $update,
pub struct DataView(WidgetBase);
impl DataView {
widget_impl! {
/// Spacing around content, inside the border.
pub zng_wgt_container::padding(padding: impl IntoVar<SideOffsets>);
/// Content alignment.
pub zng_wgt_container::child_align(align: impl IntoVar<Align>);
/// Content overflow clipping.
pub zng_wgt::clip_to_bounds(clip: impl IntoVar<bool>);
/// The view generator.
/// The `update` widget handler is used to generate the view from the `data`, it is called on init and
/// every time `data` or `update` are new. The view is set by calling [`DataViewArgs::set_view`] in the widget function
/// args, note that the data variable is available in [`DataViewArgs::data`], a good view will bind to the variable
/// to support some changes, only replacing the view for major changes.
/// [`DataView!`]: struct@DataView
#[property(CHILD, widget_impl(DataView))]
pub fn view<D: VarValue>(child: impl UiNode, data: impl IntoVar<D>, update: impl WidgetHandler<DataViewArgs<D>>) -> impl UiNode {
let data = data.into_var().boxed();
let mut update = update.cfg_boxed();
let replace = Arc::new(Mutex::new(None));
match_node(child.boxed(), move |c, op| match op {
UiNodeOp::Init => {
update.event(&DataViewArgs {
data: data.clone(),
replace: replace.clone(),
is_nil: true,
if let Some(child) = replace.lock().take() {
*c.child() = child;
UiNodeOp::Deinit => {
*c.child() = NilUiNode.boxed();
UiNodeOp::Update { .. } => {
if data.is_new() {
update.event(&DataViewArgs {
data: data.clone(),
replace: replace.clone(),
is_nil: c.child().actual_type_id() == TypeId::of::<NilUiNode>(),
if let Some(child) = replace.lock().take() {
// skip update if nil -> nil, otherwise updates
if c.child().actual_type_id() != TypeId::of::<NilUiNode>() || child.actual_type_id() != TypeId::of::<NilUiNode>() {
*c.child() = child;
_ => {}