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//! Focusable info tree iterators.
use zng_app::widget::info::{
iter::{self as w_iter, TreeIterator},
use super::*;
/// Filter-maps an iterator of [`WidgetInfo`] to [`WidgetFocusInfo`].
/// [`WidgetInfo`]: zng_app::widget::info::WidgetInfo
pub trait IterFocusableExt<I: Iterator<Item = WidgetInfo>> {
/// Returns an iterator of only the focusable widgets.
/// See the [`FOCUS.focus_disabled_widgets`] and [`FOCUS.focus_hidden_widgets`] config for more on the parameter.
/// [`FOCUS.focus_disabled_widgets`]: crate::focus::FOCUS::focus_disabled_widgets
/// [`FOCUS.focus_hidden_widgets`]: crate::focus::FOCUS::focus_hidden_widgets
fn focusable(self, focus_disabled_widgets: bool, focus_hidden_widgets: bool) -> IterFocusable<I>;
impl<I> IterFocusableExt<I> for I
I: Iterator<Item = WidgetInfo>,
fn focusable(self, focus_disabled_widgets: bool, focus_hidden_widgets: bool) -> IterFocusable<I> {
IterFocusable {
iter: self,
mode: FocusMode::new(focus_disabled_widgets, focus_hidden_widgets),
/// Filter a widget info iterator to only focusable items.
/// Use [`IterFocusableExt::focusable`] to create.
pub struct IterFocusable<I: Iterator<Item = WidgetInfo>> {
iter: I,
mode: FocusMode,
impl<I> Iterator for IterFocusable<I>
I: Iterator<Item = WidgetInfo>,
type Item = WidgetFocusInfo;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
for next in self.iter.by_ref() {
if let Some(next) = next.into_focusable(self.mode.contains(FocusMode::DISABLED), self.mode.contains(FocusMode::HIDDEN)) {
return Some(next);
impl<I> DoubleEndedIterator for IterFocusable<I>
I: Iterator<Item = WidgetInfo> + DoubleEndedIterator,
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
while let Some(next) = self.iter.next_back() {
if let Some(next) = next.into_focusable(self.mode.contains(FocusMode::DISABLED), self.mode.contains(FocusMode::HIDDEN)) {
return Some(next);
/// Iterator over all focusable items in a branch of the widget tree.
/// This `struct` is created by the [`descendants`] and [`self_and_descendants`] methods on [`WidgetFocusInfo`].
/// See its documentation for more.
/// [`descendants`]: WidgetFocusInfo::descendants
/// [`self_and_descendants`]: WidgetFocusInfo::self_and_descendants
pub struct FocusTreeIter<I>
I: TreeIterator,
iter: I,
mode: FocusMode,
impl<I> FocusTreeIter<I>
I: TreeIterator,
pub(super) fn new(iter: I, mode: FocusMode) -> Self {
Self { iter, mode }
/// Filter out entire branches of descendants at a time.
/// Note that you can convert `bool` into [`TreeFilter`] to use this method just like the iterator default.
/// [`TreeFilter`]: w_iter::TreeFilter
pub fn tree_filter<F>(self, mut filter: F) -> FocusTreeFilterIter<I, impl FnMut(&WidgetInfo) -> w_iter::TreeFilter>
F: FnMut(&WidgetFocusInfo) -> w_iter::TreeFilter,
FocusTreeFilterIter {
iter: self.iter.tree_filter(move |w| {
if let Some(f) = w
.into_focusable(self.mode.contains(FocusMode::DISABLED), self.mode.contains(FocusMode::HIDDEN))
} else {
mode: self.mode,
/// Returns the first focusable included by `filter`.
/// Note that you can convert `bool` into [`TreeFilter`] to use this method just like the iterator default.
/// [`TreeFilter`]: w_iter::TreeFilter
pub fn tree_find<F>(self, filter: F) -> Option<WidgetFocusInfo>
F: FnMut(&WidgetFocusInfo) -> w_iter::TreeFilter,
/// Returns if the `filter` allows any focusable.
/// Note that you can convert `bool` into [`TreeFilter`] to use this method just like the iterator default.
/// [`TreeFilter`]: w_iter::TreeFilter
pub fn tree_any<F>(self, filter: F) -> bool
F: FnMut(&WidgetFocusInfo) -> w_iter::TreeFilter,
impl FocusTreeIter<w_iter::TreeIter> {
/// Creates a reverse tree iterator.
pub fn tree_rev(self) -> FocusTreeIter<w_iter::RevTreeIter> {
FocusTreeIter::new(self.iter.tree_rev(), self.mode)
impl<I> Iterator for FocusTreeIter<I>
I: TreeIterator,
type Item = WidgetFocusInfo;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
for next in self.iter.by_ref() {
if let Some(next) = next.into_focusable(self.mode.contains(FocusMode::DISABLED), self.mode.contains(FocusMode::HIDDEN)) {
return Some(next);
/// An iterator that filters a focusable widget tree.
/// This `struct` is created by the [`FocusTreeIter::tree_filter`] method. See its documentation for more.
pub struct FocusTreeFilterIter<I, F>
I: TreeIterator,
F: FnMut(&WidgetInfo) -> w_iter::TreeFilter,
iter: w_iter::TreeFilterIter<I, F>,
mode: FocusMode,
impl<I, F> Iterator for FocusTreeFilterIter<I, F>
F: FnMut(&WidgetInfo) -> w_iter::TreeFilter,
I: TreeIterator,
type Item = WidgetFocusInfo;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
.map(|w| w.into_focus_info(self.mode.contains(FocusMode::DISABLED), self.mode.contains(FocusMode::HIDDEN)))