1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133
//! Keyboard events, [`on_key_down`](fn@on_key_down), [`on_key_up`](fn@on_key_up) and more.
//! These events are low level and directly tied to a keyboard device.
//! Before using them review the [`gesture`](super::gesture) properties, in particular
//! the [`click_shortcut`](fn@super::gesture::click_shortcut) property.
use zng_ext_input::keyboard::{KEY_INPUT_EVENT, KeyInputArgs, KeyState};
use zng_wgt::prelude::*;
event_property! {
/// Event fired when a keyboard key is pressed or released and the widget is enabled.
/// # Route
/// The event is raised in the [keyboard focused](crate::properties::is_focused)
/// widget and then each parent up to the root. If propagation stop
/// is requested the event is not notified further. If the widget is disabled or blocked the event is not notified.
/// This route is also called *bubbling*.
/// # Keys
/// Any key press/release generates a key input event, including keys codes that don't map
/// to any virtual key, see [`KeyInputArgs`] for more details.
/// For key combinations consider using a [`click_shortcut`] with a click handler.
/// [`click_shortcut`]: fn@crate::gesture::click_shortcut
/// # Underlying Event
/// This event property uses the [`KEY_INPUT_EVENT`] that is included in the default app.
/// [`KeyInputArgs`]: zng_ext_input::keyboard::KeyInputArgs
/// [`KEY_INPUT_EVENT`]: zng_ext_input::keyboard::KEY_INPUT_EVENT
pub fn key_input {
args: KeyInputArgs,
filter: |args| args.is_enabled(WIDGET.id()),
/// Event fired when a keyboard key is pressed or released and the widget is disabled.
/// # Route
/// The event is raised in the [keyboard focused](crate::properties::is_focused)
/// widget and then each parent up to the root. If propagation stop
/// is requested the event is not notified further. If the widget is enabled or blocked the event is not notified.
/// This route is also called *bubbling*.
/// # Keys
/// Any key press/release generates a key input event, including keys that don't map
/// to any virtual key, see [`KeyInputArgs`] for more details.
/// For key combinations consider using a [`click_shortcut`] with a click handler.
/// [`click_shortcut`]: fn@crate::gesture::click_shortcut
/// # Underlying Event
/// This event property uses the [`KEY_INPUT_EVENT`] that is included in the default app.
/// [`KeyInputArgs`]: zng_ext_input::keyboard::KeyInputArgs
/// [`KEY_INPUT_EVENT`]: zng_ext_input::keyboard::KEY_INPUT_EVENT
pub fn disabled_key_input {
args: KeyInputArgs,
filter: |args| args.is_disabled(WIDGET.id()),
/// Event fired when a keyboard key is pressed and the widget is enabled.
/// # Route
/// The event is raised in the [keyboard focused](crate::properties::is_focused)
/// widget and then each parent up to the root. If propagation stop
/// is requested the event is not notified further. If the widget is disabled or blocked the event is not notified.
/// This route is also called *bubbling*.
/// # Keys
/// Any key press generates a key down event, including keys that don't map to any virtual key, see [`KeyInputArgs`]
/// for more details.
/// For key combinations consider using a [`click_shortcut`] with a click handler.
/// [`click_shortcut`]: fn@crate::gesture::click_shortcut
/// # Underlying Event
/// This event property uses the [`KEY_INPUT_EVENT`] that is included in the default app.
/// [`KeyInputArgs`]: zng_ext_input::keyboard::KeyInputArgs
/// [`KEY_INPUT_EVENT`]: zng_ext_input::keyboard::KEY_INPUT_EVENT
pub fn key_down {
args: KeyInputArgs,
filter: |args| args.state == KeyState::Pressed && args.is_enabled(WIDGET.id()),
/// Event fired when a keyboard key is released and the widget is enabled.
/// # Route
/// The event is raised in the [keyboard focused](crate::properties::is_focused)
/// widget and then each parent up to the root. If propagation stop
/// is requested the event is not notified further. If the widget is disabled or blocked the event is not notified.
/// This route is also called *bubbling*.
/// # Keys
/// Any key release generates a key up event, including keys that don't map to any virtual key, see [`KeyInputArgs`]
/// for more details.
/// For key combinations consider using a [`click_shortcut`] with a click handler.
/// [`click_shortcut`]: fn@crate::gesture::click_shortcut
/// # Underlying Event
/// This event property uses the [`KEY_INPUT_EVENT`] that is included in the default app.
/// [`KeyInputArgs`]: zng_ext_input::keyboard::KeyInputArgs
/// [`KEY_INPUT_EVENT`]: zng_ext_input::keyboard::KEY_INPUT_EVENT
pub fn key_up {
args: KeyInputArgs,
filter: |args| args.state == KeyState::Released && args.is_enabled(WIDGET.id()),