use std::{collections::HashSet, fmt::Write as _};
use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use quote::{quote, quote_spanned};
use syn::*;
use crate::util::Errors;
pub fn expand(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let input = parse_macro_input!(input as Input);
let message = input.message.value();
let mut errors = Errors::default();
let message_params = parse_validate_id(input.message_id, &mut errors);
let mut fluent_msg;
let mut variables = HashSet::new();
if message.is_empty() {
errors.push("message cannot be empty", input.message.span());
} else {
fluent_msg = "id = ".to_owned();
let mut spacing = "";
for line in message.lines() {
writeln!(&mut fluent_msg, "{spacing}{line}").unwrap();
spacing = " ";
match fluent_syntax::parser::parse_runtime(fluent_msg.as_str()) {
Ok(ast) => {
let span = input.message.span();
if ast.body.len() > 1 {
match &ast.body[1] {
fluent_syntax::ast::Entry::Message(m) => {
errors.push(format!("unescaped fluent message `{}..`", m.id.name), span);
fluent_syntax::ast::Entry::Term(t) => {
errors.push(format!("unescaped fluent term `-{}..`", t.id.name), span);
| fluent_syntax::ast::Entry::GroupComment(_c)
| fluent_syntax::ast::Entry::ResourceComment(_c) => {
errors.push("unescaped fluent comment `#..`", span);
fluent_syntax::ast::Entry::Junk { content } => {
errors.push(format!("unexpected `{content}`"), span);
} else {
match &ast.body[0] {
fluent_syntax::ast::Entry::Message(m) => {
if m.id.name != "id" {
if m.comment.is_some() {
if let Some(m) = &m.value {
collect_vars_pattern(&mut errors, &mut variables, m);
if !m.attributes.is_empty() {
errors.push(format!("unescaped fluent attribute `.{}..`", m.attributes[0].id.name), span);
fluent_syntax::ast::Entry::Term(t) => {
errors.push(format!("unescaped fluent term `-{}..`", t.id.name), span);
| fluent_syntax::ast::Entry::GroupComment(_c)
| fluent_syntax::ast::Entry::ResourceComment(_c) => {
errors.push("unescaped fluent comment `#..`", span);
fluent_syntax::ast::Entry::Junk { content } => {
errors.push(format!("unexpected `{content}`"), span);
Err((_, e)) => {
for e in e {
errors.push(e, input.message.span());
if errors.is_empty() {
let l10n_path = &input.l10n_path;
let message = &input.message;
let span = input.message.span();
let mut build = quote_spanned! {span=>
#l10n_path::L10N.l10n_message(env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"), env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"), #message_params, #message)
for var in variables {
let var_ident = ident_spanned!(span=> "{}", var);
build.extend(quote_spanned! {span=>
.l10n_arg(#var, {
use #l10n_path::IntoL10nVar;
(&mut &mut #l10n_path::L10nSpecialize(Some(#var_ident))).to_l10n_var()
build.extend(quote! {
} else {
quote! {
fn collect_vars_pattern<'s>(errors: &mut Errors, vars: &mut HashSet<&'s str>, pattern: &fluent_syntax::ast::Pattern<&'s str>) {
for el in &pattern.elements {
match el {
fluent_syntax::ast::PatternElement::TextElement { .. } => continue,
fluent_syntax::ast::PatternElement::Placeable { expression } => collect_vars_expr(errors, vars, expression),
fn collect_vars_expr<'s>(errors: &mut Errors, vars: &mut HashSet<&'s str>, expression: &fluent_syntax::ast::Expression<&'s str>) {
match expression {
fluent_syntax::ast::Expression::Select { selector, variants } => {
collect_vars_inline_expr(errors, vars, selector);
for v in variants {
collect_vars_pattern(errors, vars, &v.value);
fluent_syntax::ast::Expression::Inline(expr) => collect_vars_inline_expr(errors, vars, expr),
fn collect_vars_inline_expr<'s>(errors: &mut Errors, vars: &mut HashSet<&'s str>, inline: &fluent_syntax::ast::InlineExpression<&'s str>) {
match inline {
fluent_syntax::ast::InlineExpression::FunctionReference { arguments, .. } => {
for arg in &arguments.positional {
collect_vars_inline_expr(errors, vars, arg);
for arg in &arguments.named {
collect_vars_inline_expr(errors, vars, &arg.value);
fluent_syntax::ast::InlineExpression::VariableReference { id } => {
fluent_syntax::ast::InlineExpression::Placeable { expression } => collect_vars_expr(errors, vars, expression),
_ => {}
struct Input {
l10n_path: TokenStream,
message_id: LitStr,
message: LitStr,
impl parse::Parse for Input {
fn parse(input: parse::ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(Input {
l10n_path: non_user_braced!(input, "l10n_path").parse().unwrap(),
message_id: non_user_braced!(input, "message_id").parse()?,
message: non_user_braced!(input, "message").parse()?,
fn parse_validate_id(message_id: LitStr, errors: &mut Errors) -> TokenStream {
let s = message_id.value();
let span = message_id.span();
let mut id = s.as_str();
let mut file = "";
let mut attribute = "";
if let Some((f, rest)) = id.rsplit_once('/') {
file = f;
id = rest;
if let Some((i, a)) = id.rsplit_once('.') {
id = i;
attribute = a;
if !file.is_empty() {
let mut first = true;
let mut valid = true;
let path: &std::path::Path = file.as_ref();
for c in path.components() {
if !first || !matches!(c, std::path::Component::Normal(_)) {
valid = false;
first = false;
if !valid {
errors.push(format!("invalid file {file:?}, must be a single file name"), span);
file = "";
fn validate(value: &str) -> bool {
let mut first = true;
if !value.is_empty() {
for c in value.chars() {
if !first && (c == '_' || c == '-' || c.is_ascii_digit()) {
if !c.is_ascii_lowercase() && !c.is_ascii_uppercase() {
return false;
first = false;
} else {
return false;
if !validate(id) {
format!("invalid id {id:?}, must start with letter, followed by any letters, digits, `_` or `-`"),
id = "invalid__";
if !attribute.is_empty() && !validate(attribute) {
format!("invalid attribute {attribute:?}, must start with letter, followed by any letters, digits, `_` or `-`"),
attribute = "";
if !attribute.is_empty() {
if let Err((_, e)) = fluent_syntax::parser::parse_runtime(format!("{id} = \n .{attribute} = m")) {
for e in e {
errors.push(e, span);
} else if let Err((_, e)) = fluent_syntax::parser::parse_runtime(format!("{id} = m")) {
for e in e {
errors.push(e, span);
quote_spanned!(span=> #file, #id, #attribute)