use std::mem;
use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span, TokenStream};
use quote::{ToTokens, quote};
use syn::{parse::Parse, punctuated::Punctuated, spanned::Spanned, *};
use crate::util::{Attributes, Errors, crate_core, set_stream_span};
pub fn expand(args: proc_macro::TokenStream, input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let mut errors = Errors::default();
let args = match parse::<Args>(args) {
Ok(a) => a,
Err(e) => {
Args {
nest_group: parse_quote!(CONTEXT),
capture: false,
default: None,
impl_for: None,
let nest_group = args.nest_group;
let capture = args.capture;
let impl_for = args.impl_for;
let mut item = match parse::<ItemFn>(input.clone()) {
Ok(i) => i,
Err(e) => {
let input = TokenStream::from(input);
let r = quote! {
return r.into();
let mut attrs = Attributes::new(mem::take(&mut item.attrs));
let mut mtd_attrs = Attributes::new(vec![]);;
let mut extra_docs = quote!();
if capture {
attrs.tag_doc("c", "Capture-only property function");
mtd_attrs.tag_doc("c", "Capture-only property method");
if ! {
extra_docs = quote! {
if item.sig.inputs.is_empty() {
"capture property functions must have at least 1 input: arg0, ..",
} else {
attrs.tag_doc("P", "Property function");
mtd_attrs.tag_doc("P", "Property method");
if item.sig.inputs.len() < 2 {
"property functions must have at least 2 inputs: child: impl UiNode, arg0, ..",
if item.sig.inputs.is_empty() {
let core = crate_core();
item.sig.inputs.push(parse_quote!(__child__: impl #core::widget::node::UiNode));
if let Some(async_) = &item.sig.asyncness {
errors.push("property functions cannot be `async`", async_.span());
if let Some(unsafe_) = &item.sig.unsafety {
errors.push("property functions cannot be `unsafe`", unsafe_.span());
if let Some(abi) = &item.sig.abi {
errors.push("property functions cannot be `extern`", abi.span());
if let Some(lifetime) = item.sig.generics.lifetimes().next() {
errors.push("property functions cannot declare lifetimes", lifetime.span());
if let Some(const_) = item.sig.generics.const_params().next() {
errors.push("property functions do not support `const` generics", const_.span());
let inputs: Vec<_> = item.sig.inputs.iter().map(|arg| Input::from_arg(arg, &mut errors)).collect();
if !inputs[0].ty.is_empty() && !capture {
if !matches!(inputs[0].kind, InputKind::UiNode) {
errors.push("first input must be `impl UiNode`", inputs[0].ty.span());
if capture {
let inputs = inputs.iter().map(|i| &i.ident);
if !item.block.stmts.is_empty() {
errors.push("capture property must have an empty body", item.block.span());
item.block.stmts.push(parse_quote! {
let _ = (#(#inputs,)*);
let item = item;
let first_input = if capture { 0 } else { 1 };
let output_span = match &item.sig.output {
ReturnType::Default => {
if !capture {
errors.push("output type must be `impl UiNode`", item.sig.ident.span());
ReturnType::Type(_, ty) => {
if capture {
errors.push("capture must not have output", ty.span());
let extra = if errors.is_empty() {
let core = crate_core();
let cfg = &attrs.cfg;
let deprecated = &attrs.deprecated;
let vis = &item.vis;
let ident = &item.sig.ident;
let ident_str = ident.to_string();
let generics = &item.sig.generics;
let has_generics = !generics.params.empty_or_trailing();
let (impl_gens, ty_gens, where_gens) = generics.split_for_impl();
let path_gens = if has_generics { quote!(::#ty_gens) } else { quote!() };
let ident_unset = ident!("unset_{}", ident);
let ident_args = ident!("{}_args__", ident);
let ident_inputs = ident!("{}_inputs__", ident);
let ident_meta = ident!("{}_", ident);
let ident_sorted = ident!("{}__", ident);
let default;
let default_fn;
let args_default = match args.default {
Some(d) => Some((d.default.span(), d.args.to_token_stream())),
None => {
let mut default = quote!();
let first_input = if capture { 0 } else { 1 };
for input in &inputs[first_input..] {
match input.kind {
InputKind::Var => {
if ident_str.starts_with("is_") || ident_str.starts_with("has_") {
let core = set_stream_span(core.clone(), input.ty.span());
default.extend(quote_spanned! {input.ty.span()=>
} else if ident_str.starts_with("get_") || ident_str.starts_with("actual_") {
let core = set_stream_span(core.clone(), input.ty.span());
default.extend(quote_spanned! {input.ty.span()=>
InputKind::UiNode => default.extend(quote! {
InputKind::UiNodeList => default.extend(quote! {
InputKind::WidgetHandler if !has_generics => default.extend(quote! {
#core::handler::hn!(|_| {}),
_ => {
default = quote!();
if !default.is_empty() {
Some((Span::call_site(), default))
} else {
if let Some((span, args)) = args_default {
default = quote_spanned! {span=>
fn __default__ #impl_gens() -> std::boxed::Box<dyn #core::widget::builder::PropertyArgs> #where_gens {
#ident_meta {}.args(#args)
default_fn = quote! {
Some(__default__ #path_gens)
} else {
default = quote!();
default_fn = quote! {
let mut input_info = quote!();
let mut get_var = quote!();
let mut get_value = quote!();
let mut get_ui_node = quote!();
let mut get_ui_node_list = quote!();
let mut get_widget_handler = quote!();
let mut instantiate = quote!();
let mut input_idents = vec![];
let mut input_tys = vec![];
let mut storage_tys = vec![];
let mut input_to_storage = vec![];
let mut named_into = quote!();
let mut get_when_input = quote!();
let mut input_new_dyn = vec![];
let mut allowed_in_when_expr = true;
let mut allowed_in_when_assign = true;
for (i, input) in inputs[first_input..].iter().enumerate() {
let ident = &input.ident;
let input_ty = &input.ty;
let kind = input.kind;
let info_ty = &input.info_ty;
let storage_ty = &input.storage_ty;
input_info.extend(quote! {
#core::widget::builder::PropertyInput {
name: stringify!(#ident),
kind: #kind,
ty: std::any::TypeId::of::<#info_ty>(),
ty_name: std::any::type_name::<#info_ty>(),
match kind {
InputKind::Var => {
input_to_storage.push(quote! {
get_var.extend(quote! {
#i => &self.#ident,
instantiate.extend(quote! {
named_into.extend(quote! {
pub fn #ident #impl_gens(&self, #ident: #input_ty) -> #storage_ty #where_gens {
input_new_dyn.push(quote! {
let __actions__ = #core::widget::builder::iter_input_build_actions(&__args__.build_actions, &__args__.build_actions_when_data, #i);
#core::widget::builder::new_dyn_var(&mut __inputs__, __actions__)
let get_ident = ident!("__w_{ident}__");
let get_ident_i = ident!("__w_{i}__");
get_when_input.extend(quote! {
pub fn #get_ident #impl_gens(&self)
-> (#core::widget::builder::WhenInputVar, impl #core::var::Var<#info_ty>) #where_gens {
pub fn #get_ident_i #impl_gens(&self)
-> (#core::widget::builder::WhenInputVar, impl #core::var::Var<#info_ty>) #where_gens {
InputKind::Value => {
allowed_in_when_assign = false;
input_to_storage.push(quote! {
named_into.extend(quote! {
pub fn #ident #impl_gens(&self, #ident: #input_ty) -> #storage_ty #where_gens {
get_value.extend(quote! {
#i => &self.#ident,
instantiate.extend(quote! {
input_new_dyn.push(quote! {
let __actions__ = #core::widget::builder::iter_input_build_actions(&__args__.build_actions, &__args__.build_actions_when_data, #i);
#core::widget::builder::new_dyn_other(&mut __inputs__, __actions__)
let get_ident = ident!("__w_{ident}__");
let get_ident_i = ident!("__w_{i}__");
get_when_input.extend(quote! {
pub fn #get_ident #impl_gens(&self)
-> (#core::widget::builder::WhenInputVar, impl #core::var::Var<#info_ty>) #where_gens {
pub fn #get_ident_i #impl_gens(&self)
-> (#core::widget::builder::WhenInputVar, impl #core::var::Var<#info_ty>) #where_gens {
InputKind::UiNode => {
allowed_in_when_expr = false;
input_to_storage.push(quote! {
named_into.extend(quote! {
pub fn #ident(&self, #ident: #input_ty) -> #core::widget::node::BoxedUiNode {
get_ui_node.extend(quote! {
#i => &self.#ident,
instantiate.extend(quote! {
input_new_dyn.push(quote! {
let __actions__ = #core::widget::builder::iter_input_build_actions(&__args__.build_actions, &__args__.build_actions_when_data, #i);
#core::widget::builder::new_dyn_ui_node(&mut __inputs__, __actions__)
let get_ident = ident!("__w_{ident}__");
let get_ident_i = ident!("__w_{i}__");
get_when_input.extend(quote! {
pub fn #get_ident(&self)
-> (#core::widget::builder::WhenInputVar, impl #core::var::Var<#core::widget::builder::UiNodeInWhenExprError>) {
pub fn #get_ident_i(&self)
-> (#core::widget::builder::WhenInputVar, impl #core::var::Var<#core::widget::builder::UiNodeInWhenExprError>) {
InputKind::UiNodeList => {
allowed_in_when_expr = false;
input_to_storage.push(quote! {
named_into.extend(quote! {
pub fn #ident(&self, #ident: #input_ty) -> #core::widget::node::BoxedUiNodeList {
get_ui_node_list.extend(quote! {
#i => &self.#ident,
instantiate.extend(quote! {
input_new_dyn.push(quote! {
let __actions__ = #core::widget::builder::iter_input_build_actions(&__args__.build_actions, &__args__.build_actions_when_data, #i);
#core::widget::builder::new_dyn_ui_node_list(&mut __inputs__, __actions__)
let get_ident = ident!("__w_{ident}__");
let get_ident_i = ident!("__w_{i}__");
get_when_input.extend(quote! {
pub fn #get_ident(&self)
-> (#core::widget::builder::WhenInputVar, impl #core::var::Var<#core::widget::builder::UiNodeListInWhenExprError>) {
pub fn #get_ident_i(&self)
-> (#core::widget::builder::WhenInputVar, impl #core::var::Var<#core::widget::builder::UiNodeListInWhenExprError>) {
InputKind::WidgetHandler => {
allowed_in_when_expr = false;
input_to_storage.push(quote! {
named_into.extend(quote! {
pub fn #ident #impl_gens(&self, #ident: #input_ty) -> #input_ty #where_gens {
get_widget_handler.extend(quote! {
#i => &self.#ident,
instantiate.extend(quote! {
input_new_dyn.push(quote! {
let __actions__ = #core::widget::builder::iter_input_build_actions(&__args__.build_actions, &__args__.build_actions_when_data, #i);
#core::widget::builder::new_dyn_widget_handler(&mut __inputs__, __actions__)
let get_ident = ident!("__w_{ident}__");
let get_ident_i = ident!("__w_{i}__");
get_when_input.extend(quote! {
pub fn #get_ident #impl_gens(&self)
-> (#core::widget::builder::WhenInputVar, impl #core::var::Var<#core::widget::builder::WidgetHandlerInWhenExprError>) #where_gens {
pub fn #get_ident_i #impl_gens(&self)
-> (#core::widget::builder::WhenInputVar, impl #core::var::Var<#core::widget::builder::WidgetHandlerInWhenExprError>) #where_gens {
if !get_var.is_empty() {
get_var = quote! {
fn var(&self, __index__: usize) -> &dyn #core::var::AnyVar {
match __index__ {
n => #core::widget::builder::panic_input(&, n, #core::widget::builder::InputKind::Var),
if !get_value.is_empty() {
get_value = quote! {
fn value(&self, __index__: usize) -> &dyn #core::var::AnyVarValue {
match __index__ {
n => #core::widget::builder::panic_input(&, n, #core::widget::builder::InputKind::Value),
if !get_ui_node.is_empty() {
get_ui_node = quote! {
fn ui_node(&self, __index__: usize) -> &#core::widget::node::ArcNode<#core::widget::node::BoxedUiNode> {
match __index__ {
n => #core::widget::builder::panic_input(&, n, #core::widget::builder::InputKind::UiNode),
if !get_ui_node_list.is_empty() {
get_ui_node_list = quote! {
fn ui_node_list(&self, __index__: usize) -> &#core::widget::node::ArcNodeList<#core::widget::node::BoxedUiNodeList> {
match __index__ {
n => #core::widget::builder::panic_input(&, n, #core::widget::builder::InputKind::UiNodeList),
if !get_widget_handler.is_empty() {
get_widget_handler = quote! {
fn widget_handler(&self, __index__: usize) -> &dyn #core::widget::builder::AnyArcWidgetHandler {
match __index__ {
n => #core::widget::builder::panic_input(&, n, #core::widget::builder::InputKind::WidgetHandler),
let mut sorted_inputs: Vec<_> = inputs[first_input..].iter().collect();
sorted_inputs.sort_by_key(|i| &i.ident);
let sorted_idents: Vec<_> = sorted_inputs.iter().map(|i| &i.ident).collect();
let sorted_tys: Vec<_> = sorted_inputs.iter().map(|i| &i.ty).collect();
let node_instance = ident_spanned!(output_span=> "__node__");
let docs = &;
let allowed_in_when_expr = if allowed_in_when_expr {
quote! {
pub const fn allowed_in_when_expr(&self) {}
} else {
let allowed_in_when_assign = if allowed_in_when_assign {
quote! {
pub const fn allowed_in_when_assign(&self) {}
} else {
let source_location = crate::widget_util::source_location(&core, ident.span());
let meta = quote! {
#vis struct #ident_meta { }
impl #ident_meta {
pub fn id(&self) -> #core::widget::builder::PropertyId {
#core::static_id! {
static ref ID: #core::widget::builder::PropertyId;
pub fn info #impl_gens(&self) -> #core::widget::builder::PropertyInfo #where_gens {
#core::widget::builder::PropertyInfo {
group: {
use #core::widget::builder::nest_group_items::*;
capture: #capture,
name: std::stringify!(#ident),
location: #source_location,
default: self.default_fn #path_gens(),
new: Self::args_dyn #path_gens,
inputs: std::boxed::Box::new([
#vis const fn input_types #impl_gens(&self) -> #core::widget::builder::PropertyInputTypes<(#(#storage_tys,)*)> #where_gens {
pub fn default_fn #impl_gens(&self) -> std::option::Option<fn () -> std::boxed::Box<dyn #core::widget::builder::PropertyArgs>> #where_gens {
#vis fn args #impl_gens(
#(#input_idents: #input_tys),*
) -> std::boxed::Box<dyn #core::widget::builder::PropertyArgs> #where_gens {
std::boxed::Box::new(#ident_args {
#(#input_idents: #input_to_storage),*
#vis fn args_sorted #impl_gens(
#(#sorted_idents: #sorted_tys),*
) -> std::boxed::Box<dyn #core::widget::builder::PropertyArgs> #where_gens {
fn args_dyn #impl_gens(
__args__: #core::widget::builder::PropertyNewArgs,
) -> std::boxed::Box<dyn #core::widget::builder::PropertyArgs> #where_gens {
let mut __inputs__ = __args__.args.into_iter();
Box::new(#ident_args #path_gens {
#(#input_idents: { #input_new_dyn },)*
pub fn inputs(&self) -> #ident_inputs {
#ident_inputs { }
let instantiate = if capture {
quote! {
use self::#ident;
} else {
quote! {
let #node_instance = #ident(__child__, #instantiate);
let allow_deprecated = deprecated.as_ref().map(|_| {
quote! {
let args = quote! {
#vis struct #ident_args #impl_gens #where_gens {
#(#input_idents: #storage_tys),*
impl #impl_gens #core::widget::builder::PropertyArgs for #ident_args #ty_gens #where_gens {
fn clone_boxed(&self) -> std::boxed::Box<dyn #core::widget::builder::PropertyArgs> {
fn property(&self) -> #core::widget::builder::PropertyInfo {
#ident_meta { }.info #path_gens()
fn instantiate(&self, __child__: #core::widget::node::BoxedUiNode) -> #core::widget::node::BoxedUiNode {
let inputs = quote! {
#vis struct #ident_inputs { }
impl #ident_inputs {
let direct_impl = if let Some(impl_for) = impl_for {
let mut target =;
let (generics_impl, generics) = match &target.segments.last().unwrap().arguments {
PathArguments::None => (quote!(), quote!()),
PathArguments::AngleBracketed(b) => {
if b.args.is_empty() {
(quote!(), quote!())
} else if b.args.len() > 1 {
errors.push("only `<P>` generics is allowed", b.span());
(quote!(), quote!())
} else {
target.segments.last_mut().unwrap().arguments = PathArguments::None;
(quote!(<P: #core::widget::base::WidgetImpl>), quote!(<P>))
PathArguments::Parenthesized(p) => {
errors.push("only `<P>` generics is allowed", p.span());
(quote!(), quote!())
let docs = &;
quote! {
impl #generics_impl #target #generics {
#vis fn #ident #impl_gens(&self, #(#input_idents: #input_tys),*) #where_gens {
let args = #ident_meta { }.args(#(#input_idents),*);
#vis fn #ident_unset(&self) {
#core::widget::base::WidgetImpl::base_ref(self).mtd_property_unset__(#ident_meta { }.id())
#vis fn #ident_sorted #impl_gens(&mut self, #(#sorted_idents: #sorted_tys),*) #where_gens {
let args = #ident_meta { }.args_sorted(#(#sorted_idents),*);
#vis fn #ident_meta(&self) -> #ident_meta {
#ident_meta { }
} else {
quote! {
#vis trait #ident: #core::widget::base::WidgetExt {
type MetaType;
fn #ident #impl_gens(&mut self, #(#input_idents: #input_tys),*) #where_gens {
let args = #ident_meta { }.args(#(#input_idents),*);
fn #ident_unset(&mut self) {
self.ext_property_unset__(#ident_meta {}.id())
fn #ident_sorted #impl_gens(&mut self, #(#sorted_idents: #sorted_tys),*) #where_gens {
let args = #ident_meta { }.args_sorted(#(#sorted_idents),*);
fn #ident_meta(&self) -> #ident_meta {
#ident_meta { }
impl self::#ident for #core::widget::base::WidgetBase {
type MetaType = ();
impl self::#ident for #core::widget::base::NonWidgetBase {
type MetaType = ();
impl self::#ident for #core::widget::builder::WgtInfo {
type MetaType = #ident_meta;
} else {
let r = quote! {
struct Args {
nest_group: Expr,
capture: bool,
default: Option<Default>,
impl_for: Option<ImplFor>,
impl Parse for Args {
fn parse(input: parse::ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(Args {
nest_group: input.parse()?,
capture: if input.peek(Token![,]) && input.peek2(keyword::capture) {
let _: Token![,] = input.parse()?;
let _: keyword::capture = input.parse()?;
} else {
default: if input.peek(Token![,]) && input.peek2(Token![default]) {
} else {
impl_for: if input.peek(Token![,]) && (input.peek2(keyword::widget_impl) || input.peek2(Token![for])) {
} else {
struct Default {
default: Token![default],
args: Punctuated<Expr, Token![,]>,
impl Parse for Default {
fn parse(input: parse::ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
let _: Token![,] = input.parse()?;
let default = input.parse()?;
let inner;
parenthesized!(inner in input);
Ok(Default {
args: Punctuated::parse_terminated(&inner)?,
struct ImplFor {
target: Path,
impl Parse for ImplFor {
fn parse(input: parse::ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
let _: Token![,] = input.parse()?;
let _: keyword::widget_impl = input.parse()?;
let inner;
parenthesized!(inner in input);
Ok(ImplFor { target: inner.parse()? })
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
enum InputKind {
impl ToTokens for InputKind {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
let kin = match self {
InputKind::Var => ident!("Var"),
InputKind::Value => ident!("Value"),
InputKind::UiNode => ident!("UiNode"),
InputKind::WidgetHandler => ident!("WidgetHandler"),
InputKind::UiNodeList => ident!("UiNodeList"),
let core = crate_core();
tokens.extend(quote! {
struct Input {
ident: Ident,
kind: InputKind,
ty: TokenStream,
info_ty: TokenStream,
storage_ty: TokenStream,
impl Input {
fn from_arg(arg: &FnArg, errors: &mut Errors) -> Input {
let mut input = Input {
ident: ident!("__invalid__"),
kind: InputKind::Value,
ty: quote!(),
storage_ty: quote!(),
info_ty: quote!(),
match arg {
FnArg::Receiver(rcv) => {
errors.push("methods cannot be properties", rcv.span());
FnArg::Typed(t) => {
if !t.attrs.is_empty() {
errors.push("property input cannot have attributes", t.attrs[0].span());
match *t.pat.clone() {
Pat::Ident(id) => {
if id.ident == "self" {
errors.push("methods cannot be properties", id.ident.span());
input.ident = id.ident;
p => {
errors.push("property input can only have a simple ident", p.span());
let core = crate_core();
match *t.ty.clone() {
Type::ImplTrait(mut it) if it.bounds.len() == 1 => {
let bounds = it.bounds.pop().unwrap().into_value();
match bounds {
TypeParamBound::Trait(tra) if tra.lifetimes.is_none() && tra.paren_token.is_none() => {
let path = tra.path;
let seg = path.segments.last().unwrap();
fn ty_from_generic(
input: &mut Input,
errors: &mut Errors,
t: &Type,
kind: InputKind,
args: &PathArguments,
) -> bool {
if let PathArguments::AngleBracketed(it) = args {
if it.args.len() == 1 {
input.kind = kind;
input.ty = t.to_token_stream();
input.info_ty = it.args.last().unwrap().to_token_stream();
return true;
errors.push("expected single generic param", args.span());
match seg.ident.to_string().as_str() {
"IntoVar" if !seg.arguments.is_empty() => {
if ty_from_generic(&mut input, errors, &t.ty, InputKind::Var, &seg.arguments) {
let t = &input.info_ty;
input.storage_ty = quote!(#core::var::BoxedVar<#t>);
"IntoValue" if !seg.arguments.is_empty() => {
if ty_from_generic(&mut input, errors, &t.ty, InputKind::Value, &seg.arguments) {
input.storage_ty = input.info_ty.clone();
"WidgetHandler" if !seg.arguments.is_empty() => {
if ty_from_generic(&mut input, errors, &t.ty, InputKind::WidgetHandler, &seg.arguments) {
let t = &input.info_ty;
input.storage_ty = quote!(#core::widget::builder::ArcWidgetHandler<#t>);
"UiNode" => {
input.kind = InputKind::UiNode;
input.ty = t.ty.to_token_stream();
input.info_ty = quote_spanned!(t.ty.span()=> #core::widget::node::BoxedUiNode);
input.storage_ty = quote!(#core::widget::node::ArcNode<#core::widget::node::BoxedUiNode>);
"UiNodeList" => {
input.kind = InputKind::UiNodeList;
input.ty = t.ty.to_token_stream();
input.info_ty = quote_spanned!(t.ty.span()=> #core::widget::node::BoxedUiNodeList);
input.storage_ty = quote!(#core::widget::node::ArcNodeList<#core::widget::node::BoxedUiNodeList>)
_ => {
errors.push("property input can only have impl types for: IntoVar<T>, IntoValue<T>, UiNode, WidgetHandler<A>, UiNodeList", seg.span());
t => {
errors.push("property input can only have `impl OneTrait`", t.span());
t => {
errors.push("property input can only have `impl OneTrait` types", t.span());
pub mod keyword {
pub fn expand_meta(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let args = parse_macro_input!(input as MetaArgs);
let core = crate_core();
let r = match args {
MetaArgs::Method { self_ty, sep, property } => {
let meta_ident = ident!("{}_", property);
quote! {
<#self_ty as #core::widget::base::WidgetImpl> #sep info_instance__() . #meta_ident()
MetaArgs::Function { path } => {
let ident = &path.segments.last().unwrap().ident;
let meta_ident = ident!("{}_", ident);
quote! {
<#core::widget::builder::WgtInfo as #path>::#meta_ident(&#core::widget::builder::WgtInfo)
enum MetaArgs {
Method {
self_ty: Token![Self],
sep: Token![::],
property: Ident,
Function {
path: Path,
impl Parse for MetaArgs {
fn parse(input: parse::ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
if input.peek(Token![Self]) {
Ok(Self::Method {
self_ty: input.parse()?,
sep: input.parse()?,
property: input.parse()?,
} else {
Ok(Self::Function { path: input.parse()? })
pub fn expand_impl(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let p = parse_macro_input!(input as PropertyImplArgs);
if p.args.empty_or_trailing() {
return quote_spanned! {p.path.span()=>
compile_error!("missing args")
let mut attrs = Attributes::new(p.attrs);
attrs.tag_doc("P", "This method is a widget property");
let cfg = &attrs.cfg;
let vis = p.vis;
let path = p.path;
let ident = &path.segments.last().unwrap().ident;
let ident_unset = ident!("unset_{ident}");
let ident_meta = ident!("{}_", ident);
let ident_sorted = ident!("{}__", ident);
let args = p.args;
let mut sorted_args: Vec<_> = args.iter().collect();
sorted_args.sort_by_key(|a| &a.ident);
let arg_idents = args.iter().map(|a| &a.ident);
let sorted_idents: Vec<_> = sorted_args.iter().map(|a| &a.ident).collect();
let sorted_tys = sorted_args.iter().map(|a| &a.ty);
let core = crate_core();
let r = quote! {
#vis fn #ident(&self, #args) {
#core::widget::base::WidgetImpl::base_ref(self).reexport__(|base__| {
#path::#ident(base__, #(#arg_idents),*);
#vis fn #ident_unset(&self) {
#core::widget::base::WidgetImpl::base_ref(self).reexport__(|base__| {
#vis fn #ident_sorted(&self, #(#sorted_idents: #sorted_tys),*) {
#core::widget::base::WidgetImpl::base_ref(self).reexport__(|base__| {
#path::#ident_sorted(base__, #(#sorted_idents),*);
#vis fn #ident_meta(&self) -> <#core::widget::builder::WgtInfo as #path>::MetaType {
<#core::widget::builder::WgtInfo as #path>::#ident_meta(&#core::widget::builder::WgtInfo)
struct PropertyImplArgs {
attrs: Vec<Attribute>,
vis: syn::Visibility,
path: Path,
args: Punctuated<SimpleFnArg, Token![,]>,
impl Parse for PropertyImplArgs {
fn parse(input: parse::ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
attrs: Attribute::parse_outer(&non_user_braced!(input, "attrs"))?,
vis: non_user_braced!(input, "vis").parse().unwrap(),
path: non_user_braced!(input, "path").parse()?,
args: Punctuated::parse_terminated(&non_user_braced!(input, "args"))?,
struct SimpleFnArg {
ident: Ident,
_s: Token![:],
ty: Type,
impl ToTokens for SimpleFnArg {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
impl Parse for SimpleFnArg {
fn parse(input: parse::ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
ident: input.parse()?,
_s: input.parse()?,
ty: input.parse()?,