#![cfg(feature = "progress")]
//! Progress indicator widget, styles and properties.
//! This widget displays [`task::Progress`] values that track the status of a running task.
//! ```
//! use zng::prelude::*;
//! let p = var(task::Progress::indeterminate());
//! // on the view
//! let view = zng::progress::ProgressView!(p.clone());
//! // on the controller/view-model
//! task::spawn(async move {
//! for n in 0..=10 {
//! task::deadline(500.ms()).await;
//! p.set(task::Progress::from_n_of(n, 10).with_msg(formatx!("sleeping {n} of 10")));
//! }
//! p.set(task::Progress::complete().with_msg("done sleeping"));
//! });
//! ```
//! [`task::Progress`]: zng::task::Progress
//! # Full API
//! See [`zng_wgt_progress`] and [`zng_task::Progress`] for the full widget API.
pub use zng_wgt_progress::{DefaultStyle, PROGRESS_VAR, ProgressView, SimpleBarStyle, is_indeterminate, on_complete, on_progress};