1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
//! Icons service, icon font widget and other types.
//! # Service
//! The [`ICONS`] service bridges icon providers and icon users. Icon theme providers can register
//! handlers that provide a node that renders the icon identified by name. Widget styles or other UI
//! only need to request the icon, avoiding having to embed icon resources in lib crates and avoiding
//! icons having a fixed appearance.
//! ```
//! use zng::{prelude::*, icon, widget::node::NilUiNode};
//! # let _scope = APP.defaults();
//! icon::ICONS.register(wgt_fn!(|a: icon::IconRequestArgs| {
//! match a.name() {
//! "accessibility" => Text!("A").boxed(),
//! "settings" => Text!("S").boxed(),
//! _ => NilUiNode.boxed()
//! }
//! }));
//! ```
//! The example above registers a handler that provides two "icons" that are rendered by a `Text!` widgets.
//! # Widget
//! The [`Icon!`](struct@Icon) widget renders icons using an icon font, it allows setting the font and icon in a single value
//! and can auto size the font size, this makes it a better alternative to just using the `Text!` widget.
//! ```
//! use zng::{prelude::*, icon};
//! # let _scope = APP.defaults();
//! # let _ =
//! icon::Icon! {
//! ico = icon::material::rounded::req("accessibility");
//! ico_size = 80;
//! }
//! # ;
//! ```
//! You can implement your own icon sets by providing [`GlyphIcon`] instances or a type that converts to `GlyphIcon`.
//! Glyph icons define a font name and a [`GlyphSource`] that can be a `char` or a ligature text.
//! ```
//! # fn main() { }
//! use zng::{prelude::*, icon, font};
//! # async fn demo() {
//! # let _scope = APP.defaults();
//! let font = font::CustomFont::from_file(
//! "Font Awesome 6 Free-Regular",
//! r#"Font Awesome 6 Free-Regular-400.otf"#,
//! 0,
//! );
//! font::FONTS.register(font).wait_into_rsp().await.unwrap();
//! # let _ =
//! icon::Icon! {
//! ico = icon::GlyphIcon::new("Font Awesome 6 Free-Regular", "address-book").with_ligatures();
//! ico_size = 80;
//! }
//! # ;
//! # }
//! ```
//! The example above loads an icon font and display one of the icons selected using a ligature that matches `"address-book"`.
//! # Full API
//! See [`zng_wgt_text::icon`] for the full widget API.
pub use zng_wgt::{CommandIconExt, ICONS, IconRequestArgs};
pub use zng_wgt_text::icon::{GlyphIcon, GlyphSource, Icon, ico_color, ico_size};
/// Material Icons
/// The [Material Design Icons] can be embedded using the `"material_icons*"` crate features.
/// [Material Design Icons]: https://github.com/google/material-design-icons
/// ```toml
/// zng = { version = "0.14.1", features = ["material_icons"] }
/// ```
/// Handlers are registered for [`ICONS`] that provides the icons, the raw codepoints and glyph icon metadata is available in each font module.
/// If multiple material icons are enabled they are resolved in this order:
/// * outlined
/// * filled
/// * rounded
/// * sharp
/// You can disambiguate icons by using a the `"material/{set}/{name}"` where `{set}` is one of the items from the list above,
/// and `{name}` is the icon name.
/// # Full API
/// See [`zng_wgt_material_icons`] for the full API.
pub mod material {
#[cfg(feature = "material_icons_filled")]
pub use zng_wgt_material_icons::filled;
#[cfg(feature = "material_icons_outlined")]
pub use zng_wgt_material_icons::outlined;
#[cfg(feature = "material_icons_rounded")]
pub use zng_wgt_material_icons::rounded;
#[cfg(feature = "material_icons_sharp")]
pub use zng_wgt_material_icons::sharp;