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#![cfg(feature = "wrap")]
//! Wrap layout widget and properties.
//! The [`Wrap!`](struct@Wrap) widget implements [inline layout](crate::layout#inline). The example below demonstrates
//! a *rich text* composed of multiple `Wrap!` and `Text!` widgets.
//! ```
//! use zng::prelude::*;
//! # let _scope = APP.defaults();
//! # let _ =
//! Wrap!(ui_vec![
//! Text!("Some text that "),
//! text::Strong!("wraps"),
//! Text!(" together."),
//! Wrap! {
//! text::font_color = colors::GREEN;
//! children = ui_vec![
//! Text!(" Nested Wrap panels can be used to set "),
//! text::Em!("contextual"),
//! Text!(" properties for a sequence of widgets.")
//! ]
//! },
//! Text!(" The nested Wrap panel content items "),
//! text::Strong!("wrap"),
//! Text!(" with the parent items."),
//! ])
//! # ;
//! ```
//! Note that only some widgets and properties support inline layout, see the [`layout`](crate::layout#inline)
//! module documentation for more details.
//! # Full API
//! See [`zng_wgt_wrap`] for the full view API.
pub use zng_wgt_wrap::{
WidgetInfoWrapExt, Wrap, get_index, get_index_len, get_rev_index, is_even, is_first, is_last, is_odd, lazy_sample, lazy_size, node,