mod windows {
use windows::Win32::{
Foundation::{BOOL, CloseHandle, HANDLE},
pub struct LowMemoryMonitor {
handle: HANDLE,
is_low: bool,
impl LowMemoryMonitor {
pub fn new() -> Option<LowMemoryMonitor> {
let handle = match unsafe { CreateMemoryResourceNotification(LowMemoryResourceNotification) } {
Ok(h) => h,
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("cannot create memory monitor, {e}");
return None;
if handle.is_invalid() {
tracing::error!("cannot create memory monitor, handle is invalid");
return None;
Some(Self { handle, is_low: false })
pub fn notify(&mut self) -> bool {
let mut is_low = BOOL::from(false);
if let Err(e) = unsafe { QueryMemoryResourceNotification(self.handle, &mut is_low) } {
tracing::error!("failed to query memory monitor, {e}");
is_low = BOOL::from(false);
if self.is_low != is_low.as_bool() {
self.is_low = is_low.as_bool();
return self.is_low;
impl Drop for LowMemoryMonitor {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Err(e) = unsafe { CloseHandle(self.handle) } {
tracing::error!("failed to close memory monitor, {e}");
pub use windows::LowMemoryMonitor;