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//! Keyboard service, properties, events and other types.
//! The example below defines a window that shows the pressed keys and prints the key state changes.
//! ```
//! use zng::prelude::*;
//! # let _scope = APP.defaults();
//! # let _ =
//! Window! {
//! child = Text!(keyboard::KEYBOARD.keys().map_debug());
//! keyboard::on_key_input = hn!(|args: &keyboard::KeyInputArgs| {
//! println!("key {:?} {:?}", args.key, args.state);
//! });
//! }
//! # ;
//! ```
//! Keyboard events are send to the focused widget, if there is no focused widget no event is send. You can
//! subscribe directly to the [`KEY_INPUT_EVENT`] to monitor all keyboard events for any focused widget.
//! # Full API
//! See [`zng_ext_input::keyboard`] and [`zng_wgt_input::keyboard`] for the full keyboard API.
//! See [`zng_app::view_process::raw_events`] for raw keyboard events that are processed to generate the key input event.
pub use zng_app::shortcut::ModifiersState;
pub use zng_ext_input::keyboard::{
HeadlessAppKeyboardExt, KEY_INPUT_EVENT, KEYBOARD, Key, KeyCode, KeyInputArgs, KeyLocation, KeyRepeatConfig, KeyState,
MODIFIERS_CHANGED_EVENT, ModifiersChangedArgs, NativeKeyCode,
pub use zng_wgt_input::keyboard::{
on_disabled_key_input, on_key_down, on_key_input, on_key_up, on_pre_disabled_key_input, on_pre_key_down, on_pre_key_input,
/// Raw keyboard hardware events, received independent of what window or widget is focused.
/// You must enable device events in the app to receive this events.
/// ```no_run
/// use zng::prelude::*;
/// APP.defaults().enable_device_events().run_window(async {
/// keyboard::raw_device_events::KEY_EVENT.on_pre_event(app_hn!(|args: &keyboard::raw_device_events::KeyArgs, _| {
/// if args.state == keyboard::KeyState::Pressed {
/// println!("key pressed {:?}", args.key_code);
/// }
/// })).perm();
/// Window!()
/// });
/// ```
pub mod raw_device_events {
pub use zng_app::view_process::raw_device_events::{KEY_EVENT, KeyArgs, TEXT_EVENT, TextArgs};