#[cfg(not(any(target_arch = "wasm32", target_os = "android")))]
pub use desktop::*;
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
pub use wasm::*;
#[cfg(target_os = "android")]
pub use android::*;
#[cfg(not(any(target_arch = "wasm32", target_os = "android")))]
mod desktop {
use std::{
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use zng_layout::unit::ByteUnits;
use zng_var::ResponseVar;
use crate::{FontDataRef, FontLoadingError, FontName, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, GlyphLoadingError};
static DATA_CACHE: Mutex<Vec<(PathBuf, std::sync::Weak<Vec<u8>>)>> = Mutex::new(vec![]);
pub fn system_all() -> ResponseVar<Vec<FontName>> {
zng_task::wait_respond(|| {
pub fn best(
font_name: &FontName,
style: FontStyle,
weight: FontWeight,
stretch: FontStretch,
) -> Result<Option<(FontDataRef, u32)>, FontLoadingError> {
if font_name == "Ubuntu" {
if let Ok(Some(h)) = workaround_ubuntu(style, weight, stretch) {
return Ok(Some(h));
let family_name = font_kit::family_name::FamilyName::from(font_name.clone());
match font_kit::source::SystemSource::new().select_best_match(
&font_kit::properties::Properties {
style: style.into(),
weight: weight.into(),
stretch: stretch.into(),
) {
Ok(handle) => {
let r = load_handle(&handle)?;
Err(font_kit::error::SelectionError::NotFound) => {
tracing::debug!(target: "font_loading", "system font not found\nquery: {:?}", (font_name, style, weight, stretch));
Err(font_kit::error::SelectionError::CannotAccessSource { reason }) => Err(FontLoadingError::Io(Arc::new(
std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, reason.unwrap_or_default()),
fn workaround_ubuntu(
style: FontStyle,
weight: FontWeight,
stretch: FontStretch,
) -> Result<Option<(FontDataRef, u32)>, FontLoadingError> {
let source = font_kit::source::SystemSource::new();
let ubuntu = match source.select_family_by_name("Ubuntu") {
Ok(u) => u,
Err(e) => {
return match e {
font_kit::error::SelectionError::NotFound => Ok(None),
font_kit::error::SelectionError::CannotAccessSource { reason } => Err(FontLoadingError::Io(Arc::new(
std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, reason.unwrap_or_default()),
for handle in ubuntu.fonts() {
let font = handle.load()?;
let name = match font.postscript_name() {
Some(n) => n,
None => continue,
if (style == FontStyle::Italic) != name.contains("Italic") {
if (FontWeight::MEDIUM..FontWeight::SEMIBOLD).contains(&weight) != name.contains("Medium") {
if (weight >= FontWeight::EXTRA_BOLD) != name.contains("ExtraBold") {
if (FontWeight::SEMIBOLD..FontWeight::EXTRA_BOLD).contains(&weight) != name.contains("Bold") {
if (FontWeight::EXTRA_LIGHT..FontWeight::LIGHT).contains(&weight) != name.contains("Light") {
if (weight < FontWeight::EXTRA_LIGHT) != name.contains("Thin") {
if (stretch <= FontStretch::CONDENSED) != name.contains("Condensed") {
return Ok(Some(load_handle(handle)?));
fn load_handle(handle: &font_kit::handle::Handle) -> Result<(FontDataRef, u32), FontLoadingError> {
match handle {
font_kit::handle::Handle::Path { path, font_index } => {
let mut path = Cow::Borrowed(path);
if let Ok(base) = path.strip_prefix("/usr/share/fonts/type1/") {
if let Some(name) = base.file_name() {
if let Some(name) = name.to_str() {
if name.ends_with(".t1") {
let rep = Path::new("/usr/share/fonts/opentype/").join(base.with_extension("otf"));
if rep.exists() {
tracing::debug!("replaced `{name}` with .otf of same name");
path = Cow::Owned(rep);
for (k, data) in DATA_CACHE.lock().iter() {
if *k == *path {
if let Some(data) = data.upgrade() {
return Ok((FontDataRef(data), *font_index));
let bytes = std::fs::read(&*path)?;
tracing::debug!("read font `{}:{}`, using {}", path.display(), font_index, bytes.capacity().bytes());
let data = Arc::new(bytes);
let mut cache = DATA_CACHE.lock();
cache.retain(|(_, v)| v.strong_count() > 0);
cache.push((path.to_path_buf(), Arc::downgrade(&data)));
Ok((FontDataRef(data), *font_index))
font_kit::handle::Handle::Memory { bytes, font_index } => Ok((FontDataRef(bytes.clone()), *font_index)),
impl From<font_kit::error::FontLoadingError> for FontLoadingError {
fn from(ve: font_kit::error::FontLoadingError) -> Self {
match ve {
font_kit::error::FontLoadingError::UnknownFormat => Self::UnknownFormat,
font_kit::error::FontLoadingError::NoSuchFontInCollection => Self::NoSuchFontInCollection,
font_kit::error::FontLoadingError::Parse => Self::Parse(ttf_parser::FaceParsingError::MalformedFont),
font_kit::error::FontLoadingError::NoFilesystem => Self::NoFilesystem,
font_kit::error::FontLoadingError::Io(e) => Self::Io(Arc::new(e)),
impl From<FontName> for font_kit::family_name::FamilyName {
fn from(font_name: FontName) -> Self {
use font_kit::family_name::FamilyName::*;
match font_name.name() {
"serif" => Serif,
"sans-serif" => SansSerif,
"monospace" => Monospace,
"cursive" => Cursive,
"fantasy" => Fantasy,
_ => Title(font_name.txt.into()),
impl From<FontStretch> for font_kit::properties::Stretch {
fn from(value: FontStretch) -> Self {
impl From<FontStyle> for font_kit::properties::Style {
fn from(value: FontStyle) -> Self {
use font_kit::properties::Style::*;
match value {
FontStyle::Normal => Normal,
FontStyle::Italic => Italic,
FontStyle::Oblique => Oblique,
impl From<FontWeight> for font_kit::properties::Weight {
fn from(value: FontWeight) -> Self {
impl From<font_kit::error::GlyphLoadingError> for GlyphLoadingError {
fn from(value: font_kit::error::GlyphLoadingError) -> Self {
use GlyphLoadingError::*;
match value {
font_kit::error::GlyphLoadingError::NoSuchGlyph => NoSuchGlyph,
font_kit::error::GlyphLoadingError::PlatformError => PlatformError,
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
mod wasm {
use zng_var::ResponseVar;
use crate::{FontDataRef, FontLoadingError, FontName, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight};
pub fn system_all() -> ResponseVar<Vec<FontName>> {
pub fn best(
font_name: &FontName,
style: FontStyle,
weight: FontWeight,
stretch: FontStretch,
) -> Result<Option<(FontDataRef, u32)>, FontLoadingError> {
let _ = (font_name, style, weight, stretch);
#[cfg(target_os = "android")]
mod android {
use std::{borrow::Cow, path::PathBuf, sync::Arc};
use zng_var::ResponseVar;
use crate::{FontDataRef, FontLoadingError, FontName, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight};
pub fn system_all() -> ResponseVar<Vec<FontName>> {
zng_task::wait_respond(|| {
let mut prev = None;
.flat_map(|(k, _)| {
if prev == Some(k) {
} else {
prev = Some(k);
fn cached_system_all() -> parking_lot::MappedRwLockReadGuard<'static, Vec<(FontName, PathBuf)>> {
let lock = SYSTEM_ALL.read();
if !lock.is_empty() {
return lock;
let mut lock = SYSTEM_ALL.write();
if lock.is_empty() {
for entry in ["/system/fonts/", "/system/font/", "/data/fonts/", "/system/product/fonts/"]
let entry = entry.path();
let ext = entry.extension().and_then(|e| e.to_str()).unwrap_or_default().to_ascii_lowercase();
if ["ttf", "otf"].contains(&ext.as_str()) && entry.is_file() {
if let Ok(bytes) = std::fs::read(&entry) {
match crate::FontFace::load(FontDataRef(Arc::new(bytes)), 0) {
Ok(f) => {
lock.push((f.family_name().clone(), entry));
Err(e) => tracing::error!("error parsing '{}', {e}", entry.display()),
lock.sort_by(|a, b| a.0.cmp(&b.0));
pub fn best(
font_name: &FontName,
style: FontStyle,
weight: FontWeight,
stretch: FontStretch,
) -> Result<Option<(FontDataRef, u32)>, FontLoadingError> {
let lock = cached_system_all();
let lock = &*lock;
let font_name = match font_name.name() {
"sans-serif" => Cow::Owned(FontName::new("Roboto")),
"serif" | "fantasy" => Cow::Owned(FontName::new("Noto Serif")),
"cursive" => Cow::Owned(FontName::new("Dancing Script")),
"monospace" => Cow::Owned(FontName::new("Droid Sans Mono")),
_ => Cow::Borrowed(font_name),
let font_name = &*font_name;
let mut start_i = match lock.binary_search_by(|a| a.0.cmp(font_name)) {
Ok(i) => i,
Err(_) => {
tracing::debug!(target: "font_loading", "system font not found\nquery: {:?}", (font_name, style, weight, stretch));
return Ok(None);
while start_i > 0 && &lock[start_i - 1].0 == font_name {
start_i -= 1
let mut end_i = start_i;
while end_i + 1 < lock.len() && &lock[end_i + 1].0 == font_name {
end_i += 1
let family_len = end_i - start_i;
let mut options = Vec::with_capacity(family_len);
let mut candidates = Vec::with_capacity(family_len);
for (_, path) in &lock[start_i..=end_i] {
if let Ok(bytes) = std::fs::read(path) {
if let Ok(f) = ttf_parser::Face::parse(&bytes, 0) {
candidates.push(matching::Properties {
style: f.style(),
weight: f.weight(),
stretch: f.width(),
match matching::find_best_match(
&matching::Properties {
style: style.into(),
weight: weight.into(),
stretch: stretch.into(),
) {
Ok(i) => {
let bytes = options.swap_remove(i);
Ok(Some((FontDataRef(Arc::new(bytes)), 0)))
Err(FontLoadingError::NoSuchFontInCollection) => {
tracing::debug!(target: "font_loading", "system font not found\nquery: {:?}", (font_name, style, weight, stretch));
Err(e) => Err(FontLoadingError::Io(Arc::new(std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, e)))),
zng_app_context::app_local! {
static SYSTEM_ALL: Vec<(FontName, PathBuf)> = vec![];
mod matching {
use ttf_parser::{Style, Weight, Width as Stretch};
use crate::FontLoadingError;
pub struct Properties {
pub style: Style,
pub weight: Weight,
pub stretch: Stretch,
pub fn find_best_match(candidates: &[Properties], query: &Properties) -> Result<usize, FontLoadingError> {
let mut matching_set: Vec<usize> = (0..candidates.len()).collect();
if matching_set.is_empty() {
return Err(FontLoadingError::NoSuchFontInCollection);
let matching_stretch = if matching_set.iter().any(|&index| candidates[index].stretch == query.stretch) {
} else if query.stretch <= Stretch::Normal {
match matching_set
.filter(|&&index| candidates[index].stretch < query.stretch)
.min_by_key(|&&index| query.stretch.to_number() - candidates[index].stretch.to_number())
Some(&matching_index) => candidates[matching_index].stretch,
None => {
let matching_index = *matching_set
.min_by_key(|&&index| candidates[index].stretch.to_number() - query.stretch.to_number())
} else {
match matching_set
.filter(|&&index| candidates[index].stretch > query.stretch)
.min_by_key(|&&index| candidates[index].stretch.to_number() - query.stretch.to_number())
Some(&matching_index) => candidates[matching_index].stretch,
None => {
let matching_index = *matching_set
.min_by_key(|&&index| query.stretch.to_number() - candidates[index].stretch.to_number())
matching_set.retain(|&index| candidates[index].stretch == matching_stretch);
let style_preference = match query.style {
Style::Italic => [Style::Italic, Style::Oblique, Style::Normal],
Style::Oblique => [Style::Oblique, Style::Italic, Style::Normal],
Style::Normal => [Style::Normal, Style::Oblique, Style::Italic],
let matching_style = *style_preference
.find(|&query_style| matching_set.iter().any(|&index| candidates[index].style == *query_style))
matching_set.retain(|&index| candidates[index].style == matching_style);
let matching_weight = if matching_set.iter().any(|&index| candidates[index].weight == query.weight) {
} else if query.weight.to_number() >= 400
&& query.weight.to_number() < 450
&& matching_set.iter().any(|&index| candidates[index].weight == Weight::from(500))
} else if query.weight.to_number() >= 450
&& query.weight.to_number() <= 500
&& matching_set.iter().any(|&index| candidates[index].weight.to_number() == 400)
} else if query.weight.to_number() <= 500 {
match matching_set
.filter(|&&index| candidates[index].weight.to_number() <= query.weight.to_number())
.min_by_key(|&&index| query.weight.to_number() - candidates[index].weight.to_number())
Some(&matching_index) => candidates[matching_index].weight,
None => {
let matching_index = *matching_set
.min_by_key(|&&index| candidates[index].weight.to_number() - query.weight.to_number())
} else {
match matching_set
.filter(|&&index| candidates[index].weight.to_number() >= query.weight.to_number())
.min_by_key(|&&index| candidates[index].weight.to_number() - query.weight.to_number())
Some(&matching_index) => candidates[matching_index].weight,
None => {
let matching_index = *matching_set
.min_by_key(|&&index| query.weight.to_number() - candidates[index].weight.to_number())
matching_set.retain(|&index| candidates[index].weight == matching_weight);