//! App update service and other types.
//! The [`UPDATES`] service can execute arbitrary futures and setup update handlers. It can also be used to request update,
//! info rebuild, layout and render for any widget. Note that from inside the widget you should use the [`WIDGET`] service instead,
//! as it is more efficient.
//! The example below setups a handler that is called every app update.
//! ```
//! use zng::prelude::*;
//! # let _scope = APP.defaults();
//! zng::update::UPDATES
//! .on_pre_update(app_hn!(|args: &zng::update::UpdateArgs, _| {
//! println!("pre_update #{}", args.count);
//! }))
//! .perm();
//! ```
//! Updates are coalesced, multiple requests for the same widget will cause it to only update once, and multiple widgets
//! can update on the same pass. See the [Main Loop] docs in the `app` module for more details.
//! [`WIDGET`]: crate::widget::WIDGET
//! [Main Loop]: crate::app#main-loop
//! # Full API
//! See [`zng_app::update`] for the full update API.
pub use zng_app::update::{
ContextUpdates, EventUpdate, InfoUpdates, LayoutUpdates, OnUpdateHandle, RenderUpdates, UPDATES, UpdateArgs, UpdateDeliveryList,
UpdateOp, UpdateSubscribers, UpdatesTraceUiNodeExt, WeakOnUpdateHandle, WidgetUpdates,