use std::fmt;
use zng_layout::context::DIRECTION_VAR;
use crate::prelude::*;
/// Margin space around the widget.
/// This property adds side offsets to the widget inner visual, it will be combined with the other
/// layout properties of the widget to define the inner visual position and widget size.
/// This property disables inline layout for the widget.
#[property(LAYOUT, default(0))]
pub fn margin(child: impl UiNode, margin: impl IntoVar<SideOffsets>) -> impl UiNode {
let margin = margin.into_var();
match_node(child, move |child, op| match op {
UiNodeOp::Init => {
UiNodeOp::Measure { wm, desired_size } => {
let margin = margin.layout();
let size_increment = PxSize::new(margin.horizontal(), margin.vertical());
*desired_size = LAYOUT.with_constraints(LAYOUT.constraints().with_less_size(size_increment), || wm.measure_block(child));
desired_size.width += size_increment.width;
desired_size.height += size_increment.height;
UiNodeOp::Layout { wl, final_size } => {
let margin = margin.layout();
let size_increment = PxSize::new(margin.horizontal(), margin.vertical());
*final_size = LAYOUT.with_constraints(LAYOUT.constraints().with_less_size(size_increment), || child.layout(wl));
let mut translate = PxVector::zero();
final_size.width += size_increment.width;
translate.x = margin.left;
final_size.height += size_increment.height;
translate.y =;
_ => {}
/// Aligns the widget within the available space.
/// This property disables inline layout for the widget.
/// See [`Align`] for more details.
/// [`Align`]: zng_layout::unit::Align
#[property(LAYOUT, default(Align::FILL))]
pub fn align(child: impl UiNode, alignment: impl IntoVar<Align>) -> impl UiNode {
let alignment = alignment.into_var();
match_node(child, move |child, op| match op {
UiNodeOp::Init => {
UiNodeOp::Measure { wm, desired_size } => {
let align = alignment.get();
let child_size = LAYOUT.with_constraints(align.child_constraints(LAYOUT.constraints()), || wm.measure_block(child));
*desired_size = align.measure(child_size, LAYOUT.constraints());
UiNodeOp::Layout { wl, final_size } => {
let align = alignment.get();
let child_size = LAYOUT.with_constraints(align.child_constraints(LAYOUT.constraints()), || child.layout(wl));
let (size, offset, baseline) = align.layout(child_size, LAYOUT.constraints(), LAYOUT.direction());
if baseline {
*final_size = size;
_ => {}
/// If the layout direction is right-to-left.
/// The `state` is bound to [`DIRECTION_VAR`].
/// [`DIRECTION_VAR`]: zng_layout::context::DIRECTION_VAR
pub fn is_rtl(child: impl UiNode, state: impl IntoVar<bool>) -> impl UiNode {
bind_state(child,|s| s.is_rtl()), state)
/// If the layout direction is left-to-right.
/// The `state` is bound to [`DIRECTION_VAR`].
/// [`DIRECTION_VAR`]: zng_layout::context::DIRECTION_VAR
pub fn is_ltr(child: impl UiNode, state: impl IntoVar<bool>) -> impl UiNode {
bind_state(child,|s| s.is_ltr()), state)
/// Inline mode explicitly selected for a widget.
#[derive(Default, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub enum InlineMode {
/// Widget does inline if requested by the parent widget layout and is composed only of properties that support inline.
/// This is the default behavior.
/// Widget always does inline.
/// If the parent layout does not setup an inline layout environment the widget itself will. This
/// can be used to force the inline visual, such as background clipping or any other special visual
/// that is only enabled when the widget is inlined.
/// Note that the widget will only inline if composed only of properties that support inline.
/// Widget disables inline.
/// If the parent widget requests inline the request does not propagate for child nodes and
/// inline is disabled on the widget.
impl fmt::Debug for InlineMode {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
if f.alternate() {
write!(f, "InlineMode::")?;
match self {
Self::Allow => write!(f, "Allow"),
Self::Inline => write!(f, "Inline"),
Self::Block => write!(f, "Block"),
impl_from_and_into_var! {
fn from(inline: bool) -> InlineMode {
if inline {
} else {
/// Enforce an inline mode on the widget.
/// See [`InlineMode`] for more details.
#[property(WIDGET, default(InlineMode::Allow))]
pub fn inline(child: impl UiNode, mode: impl IntoVar<InlineMode>) -> impl UiNode {
let mode = mode.into_var();
match_node(child, move |child, op| match op {
UiNodeOp::Init => {
UiNodeOp::Measure { wm, desired_size } => {
*desired_size = match mode.get() {
InlineMode::Allow => child.measure(wm),
InlineMode::Inline => {
if LAYOUT.inline_constraints().is_none() {
// enable inline for content.
wm.with_inline_visual(|wm| child.measure(wm))
} else {
// already enabled by parent
InlineMode::Block => {
// disable inline, method also disables in `WidgetMeasure`
UiNodeOp::Layout { wl, final_size } => {
*final_size = match mode.get() {
InlineMode::Allow => child.layout(wl),
InlineMode::Inline => {
if LAYOUT.inline_constraints().is_none() {
wl.to_measure(None).with_inline_visual(|wm| child.measure(wm));
wl.with_inline_visual(|wl| child.layout(wl))
} else {
// already enabled by parent
InlineMode::Block => {
if wl.inline().is_some() {
tracing::error!("inline enabled in `layout` when it signaled disabled in the previous `measure`");
} else {
_ => {}
context_var! {
/// Variable that indicates the context should use mobile UI themes.
/// This is `true` by default in Android and iOS builds. It can also be set using [`force_mobile`](fn@force_mobile).
pub static IS_MOBILE_VAR: bool = cfg!(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios"));
/// Requests mobile UI themes in desktop builds.
/// This property sets the [`IS_MOBILE_VAR`].
#[property(CONTEXT, default(IS_MOBILE_VAR))]
pub fn force_mobile(child: impl UiNode, is_mobile: impl IntoVar<bool>) -> impl UiNode {
with_context_var(child, IS_MOBILE_VAR, is_mobile)
/// Gets the [`IS_MOBILE_VAR`] that indicates the window or widget should use mobile UI themes.
pub fn is_mobile(child: impl UiNode, is_mobile: impl IntoVar<bool>) -> impl UiNode {
zng_wgt::node::bind_state(child, IS_MOBILE_VAR, is_mobile)