use std::collections::HashSet;
use zng_app_context::app_local;
use zng_time::INSTANT_APP;
use zng_txt::Txt;
use crate::update::{UPDATES, UpdatesTrace};
use super::*;
app_local! {
pub(crate) static EVENTS_SV: EventsService = const { EventsService::new() };
pub(crate) struct EventsService {
updates: Mutex<Vec<EventUpdate>>, // not locked, used to make service Sync.
commands: CommandSet,
register_commands: Vec<Command>,
l10n: EventsL10n,
enum EventsL10n {
Pending(Vec<([&'static str; 3], Command, &'static str, CommandMetaVar<Txt>)>),
Init(Box<dyn Fn([&'static str; 3], Command, &'static str, CommandMetaVar<Txt>) + Send + Sync>),
impl EventsService {
const fn new() -> Self {
Self {
updates: Mutex::new(vec![]),
commands: HashSet::with_hasher(BuildFxHasher),
register_commands: vec![],
l10n: EventsL10n::Pending(vec![]),
pub(super) fn register_command(&mut self, command: Command) {
if self.register_commands.is_empty() {
pub(super) fn sender<A>(&mut self, event: Event<A>) -> EventSender<A>
A: EventArgs + Send,
EventSender {
sender: UPDATES.sender(),
pub(crate) fn has_pending_updates(&mut self) -> bool {
/// Const rustc-hash hasher.
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct BuildFxHasher;
impl std::hash::BuildHasher for BuildFxHasher {
type Hasher = rustc_hash::FxHasher;
fn build_hasher(&self) -> Self::Hasher {
/// Registered commands set.
pub type CommandSet = HashSet<Command, BuildFxHasher>;
/// App events and commands service.
pub struct EVENTS;
impl EVENTS {
/// Commands that had handles generated in this app.
/// When [`Command::subscribe`] is called for the first time in an app, the command gets added
/// to this list after the current update, if the command is app scoped it remains on the list for
/// the lifetime of the app, if it is window or widget scoped it only remains while there are handles.
/// [`Command::subscribe`]: crate::event::Command::subscribe
pub fn commands(&self) -> CommandSet {
/// Schedules the raw event update.
pub fn notify(&self, update: EventUpdate) {
pub(crate) fn apply_updates(&self) -> Vec<EventUpdate> {
let _s = tracing::trace_span!("EVENTS").entered();
let mut ev = EVENTS_SV.write();
ev.commands.retain(|c| c.update_state());
let ev = &mut *ev;
for cmd in ev.register_commands.drain(..) {
if cmd.update_state() && !ev.commands.insert(cmd) {
tracing::error!("command `{cmd:?}` is already registered")
let mut updates: Vec<_> = ev.updates.get_mut().drain(..).collect();
if !updates.is_empty() {
let _t = INSTANT_APP.pause_for_update();
for u in &mut updates {
let ev = u.event;
/// EVENTS L10N integration.
pub struct EVENTS_L10N;
impl EVENTS_L10N {
pub(crate) fn init_meta_l10n(&self, file: [&'static str; 3], cmd: Command, meta_name: &'static str, txt: CommandMetaVar<Txt>) {
let sv =;
if let EventsL10n::Init(f) = &sv.l10n {
f(file, cmd, meta_name, txt);
let mut sv = EVENTS_SV.write();
match &mut sv.l10n {
EventsL10n::Pending(a) => a.push((file, cmd, meta_name, txt)),
EventsL10n::Init(f) => f(file, cmd, meta_name, txt),
/// Register a closure that is called to localize command metadata.
/// The closure arguments are:
/// * `file` is the crate package name, version and the file from command declaration `@l10n: "file"`
/// value or is empty if `@l10n` was set to something else.
/// * `cmd` is the command, the command event name should be used as key.
/// * `meta` is the metadata name, for example `"name"`, should be used as attribute.
/// * `txt` is text variable that must be set with the translation.
pub fn init_l10n(&self, localize: impl Fn([&'static str; 3], Command, &'static str, CommandMetaVar<Txt>) + Send + Sync + 'static) {
let mut sv = EVENTS_SV.write();
match &mut sv.l10n {
EventsL10n::Pending(a) => {
for (f, k, a, t) in a.drain(..) {
localize(f, k, a, t);
EventsL10n::Init(_) => panic!("EVENTS_L10N already has a localizer"),
sv.l10n = EventsL10n::Init(Box::new(localize));