#![doc(html_favicon_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zng-ui/zng/main/examples/image/res/zng-logo-icon.png")]
#![doc(html_logo_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zng-ui/zng/main/examples/image/res/zng-logo.png")]
#![doc = include_str!(concat!("../", std::env!("CARGO_PKG_README")))]
use std::ops;
use zng_color::COLOR_SCHEME_VAR;
use zng_wgt::prelude::{
gradient::{RenderExtendMode, RenderGradientStop},
pub struct Checkerboard(WidgetBase);
impl Checkerboard {
fn widget_intrinsic(&mut self) {
self.widget_builder().push_build_action(|wgt| wgt.set_child(self::node()));
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Hash, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct Colors(pub [LightDark; 2]);
impl ops::Deref for Colors {
type Target = [LightDark; 2];
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl_from_and_into_var! {
fn from<C: Into<LightDark>>([c0, c1]: [C; 2]) -> Colors {
Colors([c0.into(), c1.into()])
fn from<C0: Into<LightDark>, C1: Into<LightDark>>((c0, c1): (C0, C1)) -> Colors {
Colors([c0.into(), c1.into()])
context_var! {
pub static COLORS_VAR: Colors = [
light_dark(rgb(202, 202, 204), rgb(20, 20, 20)),
light_dark(rgb(253, 253, 253), rgb(40, 40, 40)),
pub static ORIGIN_VAR: Point = Point::zero();
pub static SIZE_VAR: Size = 10;
#[property(CONTEXT, default(COLORS_VAR), widget_impl(Checkerboard))]
pub fn colors(child: impl UiNode, colors: impl IntoVar<Colors>) -> impl UiNode {
with_context_var(child, COLORS_VAR, colors)
#[property(CONTEXT, default(SIZE_VAR), widget_impl(Checkerboard))]
pub fn cb_size(child: impl UiNode, size: impl IntoVar<Size>) -> impl UiNode {
with_context_var(child, SIZE_VAR, size)
#[property(CONTEXT, default(ORIGIN_VAR), widget_impl(Checkerboard))]
pub fn cb_origin(child: impl UiNode, offset: impl IntoVar<Point>) -> impl UiNode {
with_context_var(child, ORIGIN_VAR, offset)
pub fn node() -> impl UiNode {
let mut render_size = PxSize::zero();
let mut tile_origin = PxPoint::zero();
let mut tile_size = PxSize::zero();
match_node_leaf(move |op| match op {
UiNodeOp::Init => {
UiNodeOp::Measure { desired_size, .. } => {
*desired_size = LAYOUT.constraints().fill_size();
UiNodeOp::Layout { final_size, .. } => {
*final_size = LAYOUT.constraints().fill_size();
if *final_size != render_size {
render_size = *final_size;
let mut ts = SIZE_VAR.layout_dft(PxSize::splat(Px(4)));
let to = LAYOUT.with_constraints(PxConstraints2d::new_exact_size(ts), || ORIGIN_VAR.layout());
ts *= 2.fct();
if tile_origin != to || tile_size != ts {
tile_origin = to;
tile_size = ts;
UiNodeOp::Render { frame } => {
let [c0, c1] = COLORS_VAR.get().0;
let sch = COLOR_SCHEME_VAR.get();
let colors = [c0[sch], c1[sch]];
tile_size.to_vector().to_point() / 2.fct(),
RenderGradientStop {
color: colors[0],
offset: 0.0,
RenderGradientStop {
color: colors[0],
offset: 0.25,
RenderGradientStop {
color: colors[1],
offset: 0.25,
RenderGradientStop {
color: colors[1],
offset: 0.5,
RenderGradientStop {
color: colors[0],
offset: 0.5,
RenderGradientStop {
color: colors[0],
offset: 0.75,
RenderGradientStop {
color: colors[1],
offset: 0.75,
RenderGradientStop {
color: colors[1],
offset: 1.0,
_ => {}