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#![cfg(feature = "text_input")]
//! Selectable text widget and properties.
//! The [`SelectableText!`](struct@SelectableText) is a read-only styleable text with text selection enabled.
//! Any `Text!` widget can enable selection using the `txt_selectable` property, this widget complements that
//! by adding a context menu and touch selection toolbar. The widget should be used for every text the user might wish to copy.
//! The example below uses the widget to display an error message, it looks just like a simple `Text!` rendered, but
//! the cursor is different, the `SELECT_ALL_CMD` and `COPY_CMD` commands are available in the context menu and
//! the selection toolbar (if selected by touch).
//! ```
//! use zng::prelude::*;
//! fn show_error(msg: impl Into<Txt>) {
//! LAYERS.insert(LayerIndex::TOP_MOST, Container! {
//! id = "error-dlg";
//! widget::modal = true;
//! child_align = layout::Align::CENTER;
//! child = Container! {
//! padding = 10;
//! widget::background_color = colors::RED.desaturate(80.pct());
//! child_top = text::Strong!("Error"), 5;
//! child = SelectableText!(msg.into());
//! child_bottom = Button! {
//! child = Text!("Ok");
//! layout::align = layout::Align::END;
//! on_click = hn!(|_| {
//! LAYERS.remove("error-dlg");
//! });
//! }, 10;
//! }
//! });
//! }
//! ```
//! # Full API
//! See [`zng_wgt_text_input::selectable`] for the full widget API.
pub use zng_wgt_text_input::selectable::{DefaultStyle, SelectableText, style_fn};