#![cfg(feature = "checkerboard")]
//! Checkerboard visual widget.
//! The widget appearance can be configured on it or in any parent widget, by default it looks like
//! the transparency checkerboard.
//! ```
//! use zng::prelude::*;
//! # let _scope = APP.defaults();
//! zng::image::IMAGES.limits().modify(|l| {
//! l.to_mut().allow_uri = zng::image::UriFilter::AllowAll;
//! });
//! # let _ =
//! Image! {
//! widget::background = zng::checkerboard::Checkerboard!();
//! source = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/47/PNG_transparency_demonstration_1.png";
//! }
//! # ;
//! ```
//! # Full API
//! See [`zng_wgt_checkerboard`] for the full widget API.
pub use zng_wgt_checkerboard::{Checkerboard, Colors, cb_origin, cb_size, colors};