use proc_macro2::*;
use quote::*;
use syn::{
parse::{Parse, Result},
spanned::Spanned as _,
use crate::util::Errors;
pub fn expand(args: proc_macro::TokenStream, input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let mut errors = Errors::default();
let args = match parse::<Args>(args) {
Ok(a) => a,
Err(e) => {
Args {
name: LitStr::new("", Span::call_site()),
let item = match parse::<ItemFn>(input.clone()) {
Ok(i) => i,
Err(e) => {
let input = TokenStream::from(input);
let r = quote! {
return r.into();
if let Some(async_) = &item.sig.asyncness {
errors.push("hot node functions cannot be `async`", async_.span());
if let Some(unsafe_) = &item.sig.unsafety {
errors.push("hot node functions cannot be `unsafe`", unsafe_.span());
if let Some(abi) = &item.sig.abi {
errors.push("hot node functions cannot be `extern`", abi.span());
if let Some(lifetime) = item.sig.generics.lifetimes().next() {
errors.push("hot node functions cannot declare lifetimes", lifetime.span());
if let Some(const_) = item.sig.generics.const_params().next() {
errors.push("hot node functions do not support `const` generics", const_.span());
if let Some(ty_) = item.sig.generics.type_params().next() {
errors.push("hot node functions do not support named generics", ty_.span());
let ident = &item.sig.ident;
let slice_ident = ident!("__ZNG_HOT_{}", ident);
let builder_ident = ident!("__zng_hot_builder_{}", ident);
let actual_ident = ident!("__zng_hot_actual_{}", ident);
let mut name = args.name;
if name.value().is_empty() {
name = LitStr::new(&ident.to_string(), ident.span());
let inputs: Vec<_> = item.sig.inputs.iter().map(|arg| Input::from_arg(arg, &mut errors)).collect();
match &item.sig.output {
ReturnType::Default => errors.push("hot node functions must output `impl UiNode`", item.sig.fn_token.span()),
ReturnType::Type(_, t) => match &**t {
Type::ImplTrait(t) => match t.bounds.last().unwrap() {
if t.lifetimes.is_none() && t.paren_token.is_none() && t.path.segments.last().unwrap().ident == "UiNode" =>
_ => errors.push("hot node functions must output `impl UiNode`", t.span()),
_ => errors.push("hot node functions must output `impl UiNode`", t.span()),
if !errors.is_empty() {
return quote! {
let mut unpack_args = quote!();
for input in &inputs {
let t = &input.gen_ty;
match input.kind {
InputKind::Var => unpack_args.extend(quote! {
InputKind::Value => unpack_args.extend(quote! {
InputKind::UiNode => unpack_args.extend(quote! {
InputKind::WidgetHandler => unpack_args.extend(quote! {
InputKind::UiNodeList => unpack_args.extend(quote! {
InputKind::TryClone => unpack_args.extend(quote! {
let hot_side = quote! {
use crate::zng_hot_entry as _;
crate::zng_hot_entry::HOT_NODES! {
static #slice_ident: crate::zng_hot_entry::HotNodeEntry = {
crate::zng_hot_entry::HotNodeEntry {
manifest_dir: env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"),
hot_node_name: #name,
hot_node_fn: #builder_ident,
fn #builder_ident(mut __args__: crate::zng_hot_entry::HotNodeArgs) -> crate::zng_hot_entry::HotNode {
let mut item = item;
let mut proxy_item = item.clone();
item.vis = Visibility::Inherited;
item.sig.ident = actual_ident;
let input_len = inputs.len();
let mut pack_args = quote!();
for input in inputs.iter().rev() {
let ident = &input.ident;
let t = &input.gen_ty;
match input.kind {
InputKind::Var => {
pack_args.extend(quote_spanned! {ident.span()=>
InputKind::Value => {
pack_args.extend(quote_spanned! {ident.span()=>
InputKind::UiNode => {
pack_args.extend(quote_spanned! {ident.span()=>
InputKind::WidgetHandler => {
pack_args.extend(quote_spanned! {ident.span()=>
InputKind::UiNodeList => {
pack_args.extend(quote_spanned! {ident.span()=>
InputKind::TryClone => {
pack_args.extend(quote_spanned! {ident.span()=>
proxy_item.block = parse_quote! {
let mut __args__ = crate::zng_hot_entry::HotNodeArgs::with_capacity(#input_len);
crate::zng_hot_entry::HotNodeHost::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), #name, __args__, #builder_ident)
let host_side = quote! {
let r = quote! {
struct Args {
name: LitStr,
impl Parse for Args {
fn parse(input: parse::ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
if input.is_empty() {
return Ok(Args {
name: LitStr::new("", input.span()),
Ok(Args { name: input.parse()? })
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
enum InputKind {
struct Input {
ident: Ident,
kind: InputKind,
gen_ty: TokenStream,
impl Input {
fn from_arg(arg: &FnArg, errors: &mut Errors) -> Input {
let mut input = Input {
ident: ident!("__invalid__"),
kind: InputKind::Value,
gen_ty: quote!(),
match arg {
FnArg::Receiver(rcv) => {
errors.push("methods cannot be hot nodes", rcv.span());
FnArg::Typed(t) => {
if !t.attrs.is_empty() {
errors.push("hot node input cannot have attributes", t.attrs[0].span());
match *t.pat.clone() {
Pat::Ident(id) => {
if id.ident == "self" {
errors.push("methods cannot be hot nodes", id.ident.span());
input.ident = id.ident;
p => {
errors.push("hot node input can only have a simple ident", p.span());
match *t.ty.clone() {
Type::ImplTrait(mut it) if it.bounds.len() == 1 => {
let bounds = it.bounds.pop().unwrap().into_value();
match bounds {
TypeParamBound::Trait(tra) if tra.lifetimes.is_none() && tra.paren_token.is_none() => {
let path = tra.path;
let seg = path.segments.last().unwrap();
fn ty_from_generic(input: &mut Input, errors: &mut Errors, kind: InputKind, args: &PathArguments) -> bool {
if let PathArguments::AngleBracketed(it) = args {
if it.args.len() == 1 {
input.kind = kind;
input.gen_ty = it.args.last().unwrap().to_token_stream();
return true;
errors.push("expected single generic param", args.span());
match seg.ident.to_string().as_str() {
"IntoVar" if !seg.arguments.is_empty() => {
ty_from_generic(&mut input, errors, InputKind::Var, &seg.arguments);
"IntoValue" if !seg.arguments.is_empty() => {
ty_from_generic(&mut input, errors, InputKind::Value, &seg.arguments);
"WidgetHandler" if !seg.arguments.is_empty() => {
ty_from_generic(&mut input, errors, InputKind::WidgetHandler, &seg.arguments);
"UiNode" => {
input.kind = InputKind::UiNode;
"UiNodeList" => {
input.kind = InputKind::UiNodeList;
_ => {
errors.push("hot node input can only have impl types for: IntoVar<T>, IntoValue<T>, UiNode, WidgetHandler<A>, UiNodeList", seg.span());
t => {
errors.push("hot node input can only have `impl OneTrait`", t.span());
Type::Array(a) => {
input.kind = InputKind::TryClone;
input.gen_ty = a.to_token_stream();
Type::BareFn(f) => {
input.kind = InputKind::TryClone;
input.gen_ty = f.to_token_stream();
Type::Path(p) => {
input.kind = InputKind::TryClone;
input.gen_ty = p.to_token_stream();
Type::Tuple(t) => {
input.kind = InputKind::TryClone;
input.gen_ty = t.to_token_stream();
t => {
"hot node input can only have `Clone+Send+Any` types or `impl OneTrait` property types",