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#![cfg(feature = "fs_watcher")]
//! File system watcher service and other types.
//! The [`WATCHER`] service can be used to get notifications when a file or directory is modified. It also provides
//! ways to bind a file to a variable, automatically synchronizing both.
//! The example below binds the current content of a text file to at text variable using [`WATCHER.read`](WATCHER::read).
//! Any external change made to the text file updates the UI text.
//! ```
//! use zng::{prelude::*, fs_watcher::WATCHER};
//! # fn main() { }
//! # fn demo() {
//! # let _scope = APP.defaults();
//! # let _ =
//! Text!(WATCHER.read("dump.log", Txt::from(""), |f| f.ok()?.text().ok()))
//! # ; }
//! ```
//! The next example created a read-write binding with the text file, any external change made to the text file updates the
//! `TextInput!` and any change made using the `TextInput!` updates the file contents.
//! ```
//! use zng::{prelude::*, fs_watcher::WATCHER};
//! # fn main() { }
//! # fn demo() {
//! # let _scope = APP.defaults();
//! # let _ =
//! TextInput!(zng::fs_watcher::WATCHER.sync(
//! "dump.log",
//! // initial value
//! Txt::from(""),
//! // read, only updates txt if returns Some
//! |f| f.ok()?.text().ok(),
//! // write, only change file if commit called.
//! |txt, f| {
//! if let Ok(mut f) = f {
//! if f.write_text(&txt).is_ok() {
//! // replace actual file with temp that was successfully written.
//! let _ = f.commit();
//! } else {
//! f.cancel();
//! }
//! }
//! },
//! ))
//! # ; }
//! ```
//! The [`WATCHER`] service abstracts away most of the headache of interacting with the file system. This service
//! is used internally by the implementations of [`CONFIG`] and [`L10N`].
//! [`CONFIG`]: crate::config::CONFIG
//! [`L10N`]: crate::l10n::L10N
//! # Full API
//! See [`zng_ext_fs_watcher`] for the full watcher API.
pub use zng_ext_fs_watcher::{
FS_CHANGES_EVENT, FsChange, FsChangeNote, FsChangeNoteHandle, FsChangesArgs, WATCHER, WatchFile, WatcherHandle, WatcherReadStatus,
WatcherSyncStatus, WriteFile, fs_event,