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#![cfg(feature = "config")]
//! Config service, sources and other types.
//! The configuration service [`CONFIG`] separates config using from config writing. A config
//! is a variable of a serializable type, widgets and other components request a config using an unique text name and
//! then simply use the variable like any other. The app optionally sets one or more config sources that are automatically
//! updated when a config variable changes and are monitored for changes that are propagated back to the config variables.
//! # Sources
//! The default config source is the [`MemoryConfig`] that only lives for the app process lifetime, this can
//! be used to connect different UI components, more importantly it also means that the [`CONFIG`] service always works
//! so widgets can just set configs in case a persisting source is setup.
//! ```
//! use zng::prelude::*;
//! fn txt_input() -> impl UiNode {
//! TextInput!(CONFIG.get("example.txt", Txt::from("")))
//! }
//! fn txt_display() -> impl UiNode {
//! Text!(CONFIG.get("example.txt", Txt::from("")))
//! }
//! # fn main() { }
//! # fn demo() {
//! # let _scope = APP.defaults();
//! # let _ =
//! Container! {
//! child = txt_input();
//! child_bottom = txt_display(), 20;
//! }
//! # ; }
//! ```
//! The example above uses a config `"example.txt"`, the text will be wiped when the app is closed, but the app
//! components are ready in case they are used in an app that enables persistent config.
//! The example below setups a [`JsonConfig`] that persists the configs to a JSON file. The file updates when
//! a config variable is modified and the variables are updated when the file is modified externally.
//! ```
//! # use zng::prelude::*;
//! # fn main() { }
//! # fn demo() {
//! # let _scope = APP.defaults();
//! let cfg = zng::config::JsonConfig::sync("target/tmp/example.config.json");
//! CONFIG.load(cfg);
//! # }
//! ```
//! ## Other Sources
//! The JSON format is available by default, TOML, YAML and RON are also available behind a feature flags, you can
//! also implement your own source.
//! Apart from config sources that represents a format some *meta* sources are provided, they enables composite sources,
//! such as having two sources app default and user where the user config file only records the non-default values.
//! The crate example `examples/config.rs` demonstrates a more complex setup:
//! ```
//! use zng::config::*;
//! fn load_config() -> Box<dyn FallbackConfigReset> {
//! // config file for the app, keys with prefix "main." are saved here.
//! let user_cfg = JsonConfig::sync("target/tmp/example.config.json");
//! // entries not found in `user_cfg` bind to this file first before going to embedded fallback.
//! let default_cfg = ReadOnlyConfig::new(JsonConfig::sync("examples/res/config/defaults.json"));
//! // the app settings.
//! let main_cfg = FallbackConfig::new(user_cfg, default_cfg);
//! // Clone a ref that can be used to reset specific entries.
//! let main_ref = main_cfg.clone_boxed();
//! // any other configs (Window::save_state for example)
//! let other_cfg = JsonConfig::sync("target/tmp/example.config.other.json");
//! CONFIG.load(SwitchConfig::new().with_prefix("main.", main_cfg).with_prefix("", other_cfg));
//! main_ref
//! }
//! ```
//! # Full API
//! See [`zng_ext_config`] for the full config API.
pub use zng_ext_config::{
AnyConfig, CONFIG, Config, ConfigKey, ConfigStatus, ConfigValue, FallbackConfig, FallbackConfigReset, JsonConfig, MemoryConfig,
RawConfigValue, ReadOnlyConfig, SwapConfig, SwitchConfig,
#[cfg(feature = "window")]
pub use zng_wgt_window::{SaveState, save_state_node};
#[cfg(feature = "ron")]
pub use zng_ext_config::RonConfig;
#[cfg(feature = "toml")]
pub use zng_ext_config::TomlConfig;
#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
pub use zng_ext_config::YamlConfig;
/// Settings are the config the user can directly edit, this module implements a basic settings data model.
/// # Full API
/// See [`zng_ext_config::settings`] for the full settings API.
pub mod settings {
pub use zng_ext_config::settings::{
CategoriesBuilder, Category, CategoryBuilder, CategoryId, SETTINGS, Setting, SettingBuilder, SettingsBuilder,
pub use zng_wgt_input::cmd::{SETTINGS_CMD, on_pre_settings, on_settings};
/// Settings editor widget.
/// # Full API
/// See [`zng_wgt_settings`] for the full settings editor API.
#[cfg(feature = "settings_editor")]
pub mod editor {
pub use zng_wgt_settings::{
CategoriesListArgs, CategoryHeaderArgs, CategoryItemArgs, SettingArgs, SettingBuilderEditorExt, SettingsArgs, SettingsCtxExt,
SettingsEditor, categories_list_fn, category_header_fn, category_item_fn, setting_fn, settings_fn,