1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202
//! Context menu widget and properties.
use colors::BASE_COLOR_VAR;
use zng_ext_input::gesture::CLICK_EVENT;
use zng_wgt::prelude::*;
use zng_wgt_input::focus::alt_focus_scope;
use zng_wgt_layer::{
popup::{CONTEXT_CAPTURE_VAR, POPUP, PopupState},
use zng_wgt_stack::{Stack, StackDirection};
use zng_wgt_style::{impl_style_fn, style_fn};
/// Defines the context menu shown when the widget is enabled and receives a context click.
/// The `menu` can be any widget, the [`ContextMenu!`] is recommended. The menu widget is open
/// using [`POPUP`] and is expected to close itself when the context action is finished or it
/// loses focus.
/// [`ContextMenu!`]: struct@ContextMenu
/// [`POPUP`]: zng_wgt_layer::popup::POPUP
pub fn context_menu(child: impl UiNode, menu: impl UiNode) -> impl UiNode {
context_menu_fn(child, WidgetFn::singleton(menu))
/// Defines the context menu function shown when the widget is enabled and receives a context click.
/// The `menu` can return any widget, the [`ContextMenu!`] is recommended.
/// [`ContextMenu!`]: struct@ContextMenu
#[property(EVENT, default(WidgetFn::nil()))]
pub fn context_menu_fn(child: impl UiNode, menu: impl IntoVar<WidgetFn<ContextMenuArgs>>) -> impl UiNode {
context_menu_node(child, menu, false)
/// Defines the context menu shown when the widget is disabled and receives a context click.
/// The `menu` can be any widget, the [`ContextMenu!`] is recommended.
/// [`ContextMenu!`]: struct@ContextMenu
pub fn disabled_context_menu(child: impl UiNode, menu: impl UiNode) -> impl UiNode {
disabled_context_menu_fn(child, WidgetFn::singleton(menu))
/// Defines the context menu function shown when the widget is disabled and receives a context click.
/// The `menu` can return any widget, the [`ContextMenu!`] is recommended.
/// [`ContextMenu!`]: struct@ContextMenu
#[property(EVENT, default(WidgetFn::nil()))]
pub fn disabled_context_menu_fn(child: impl UiNode, menu: impl IntoVar<WidgetFn<ContextMenuArgs>>) -> impl UiNode {
context_menu_node(child, menu, true)
fn context_menu_node(child: impl UiNode, menu: impl IntoVar<WidgetFn<ContextMenuArgs>>, disabled_only: bool) -> impl UiNode {
let menu = menu.into_var();
let mut pop_state = var(PopupState::Closed).read_only();
match_node(child, move |c, op| match op {
UiNodeOp::Init => {
UiNodeOp::Deinit => {
UiNodeOp::Event { update } => {
if let Some(args) = CLICK_EVENT.on_unhandled(update) {
if args.is_context() {
let apply = if disabled_only {
} else {
if apply {
let menu = menu.get()(ContextMenuArgs {
anchor_id: WIDGET.id(),
disabled: disabled_only,
let is_shortcut = args.is_from_keyboard();
pop_state = POPUP.open_config(
CONTEXT_MENU_ANCHOR_VAR.map_ref(move |(c, s)| if is_shortcut { s } else { c }),
_ => {}
/// Set the position of the context-menu widgets opened for the widget or its descendants.
/// This property defines two positions, `(click, shortcut)`, the first is used for context clicks
/// from a pointer device, the second is used for context clicks from keyboard shortcut.
/// By default tips are aligned to cursor position at the time they are opened or the top for shortcut.
/// This property sets the [`CONTEXT_MENU_ANCHOR_VAR`].
#[property(CONTEXT, default(CONTEXT_MENU_ANCHOR_VAR))]
pub fn context_menu_anchor(child: impl UiNode, click_shortcut: impl IntoVar<(AnchorMode, AnchorMode)>) -> impl UiNode {
with_context_var(child, CONTEXT_MENU_ANCHOR_VAR, click_shortcut)
/// Context menu popup.
/// This widget can be set in [`context_menu`] to define a popup menu that shows when the widget receives
/// a context click.
/// [`context_menu`]: fn@context_menu
#[widget($crate::context::ContextMenu {
($children:expr) => {
children = $children;
pub struct ContextMenu(crate::popup::SubMenuPopup);
impl ContextMenu {
fn widget_intrinsic(&mut self) {
self.style_intrinsic(STYLE_FN_VAR, property_id!(self::style_fn));
widget_set! {
alt_focus_scope = true;
style_base_fn = style_fn!(|_| DefaultStyle!());
/// Arguments for context menu widget functions.
pub struct ContextMenuArgs {
/// ID of the widget the menu is anchored to.
pub anchor_id: WidgetId,
/// Is `true` if the menu is for [`disabled_context_menu_fn`], is `false` for [`context_menu_fn`].
/// [`context_menu_fn`]: fn@context_menu_fn
/// [`disabled_context_menu_fn`]: fn@disabled_context_menu_fn
pub disabled: bool,
context_var! {
/// Position of the context widget in relation to the anchor widget.
/// By default the context widget is shown at the cursor.
pub static CONTEXT_MENU_ANCHOR_VAR: (AnchorMode, AnchorMode) = (AnchorMode::context_menu(), AnchorMode::context_menu_shortcut());
/// Defines the layout widget for [`ContextMenu!`].
/// Is [`popup::default_panel_fn`] by default.
/// [`ContextMenu!`]: struct@ContextMenu
/// [`popup::default_panel_fn`]: crate::popup::default_panel_fn
pub static PANEL_FN_VAR: WidgetFn<zng_wgt_panel::PanelArgs> = WidgetFn::new(crate::popup::default_panel_fn);
/// Widget function that generates the context menu layout.
/// This property sets [`PANEL_FN_VAR`].
#[property(CONTEXT, default(PANEL_FN_VAR), widget_impl(ContextMenu))]
pub fn panel_fn(child: impl UiNode, panel: impl IntoVar<WidgetFn<zng_wgt_panel::PanelArgs>>) -> impl UiNode {
with_context_var(child, PANEL_FN_VAR, panel)
/// Context menu popup default style.
pub struct DefaultStyle(crate::popup::DefaultStyle);
impl DefaultStyle {
fn widget_intrinsic(&mut self) {
widget_set! {
replace = true;
zng_wgt_button::style_fn = style_fn!(|_| super::ButtonStyle!());
zng_wgt_toggle::style_fn = style_fn!(|_| super::ToggleStyle!());
zng_wgt_rule_line::hr::color = BASE_COLOR_VAR.shade(1);
zng_wgt_text::icon::ico_size = 18;
/// Touch context menu popup default style.
pub struct TouchStyle(crate::popup::DefaultStyle);
impl TouchStyle {
fn widget_intrinsic(&mut self) {
widget_set! {
panel_fn = wgt_fn!(|args: zng_wgt_panel::PanelArgs| Stack! {
direction = StackDirection::left_to_right();
children = args.children;
zng_wgt_button::style_fn = style_fn!(|_| super::TouchButtonStyle!());
zng_wgt_rule_line::vr::color = BASE_COLOR_VAR.shade(1);