
Module update

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App update service and other types.

The UPDATES service can execute arbitrary futures and setup update handlers. It can also be used to request update, info rebuild, layout and render for any widget. Note that from inside the widget you should use the WIDGET service instead, as it is more efficient.

The example below setups a handler that is called every app update.

use zng::prelude::*;

  .on_pre_update(app_hn!(|args: &zng::update::UpdateArgs, _| {
      println!("pre_update #{}", args.count);

Updates are coalesced, multiple requests for the same widget will cause it to only update once, and multiple widgets can update on the same pass. See the Main Loop docs in the app module for more details.

§Full API

See zng_app::update for the full update API.



  • Identify node and app-extension operations that can be requested.
