
Module selectable

Expand description

Selectable text widget and properties.

The SelectableText! is a read-only styleable text with text selection enabled. Any Text! widget can enable selection using the txt_selectable property, this widget complements that by adding a context menu and touch selection toolbar. The widget should be used for every text the user might wish to copy.

The example below uses the widget to display an error message, it looks just like a simple Text! rendered, but the cursor is different, the SELECT_ALL_CMD and COPY_CMD commands are available in the context menu and the selection toolbar (if selected by touch).

use zng::prelude::*;
fn show_error(msg: impl Into<Txt>) {
    LAYERS.insert(LayerIndex::TOP_MOST, Container! {
        id = "error-dlg";
        widget::modal = true;
        child_align = layout::Align::CENTER;
        child = Container! {
            padding = 10;
            widget::background_color = colors::RED.desaturate(80.pct());
            child_top = text::Strong!("Error"), 5;
            child = SelectableText!(msg.into());
            child_bottom = Button! {
                child = Text!("Ok");
                layout::align = layout::Align::END;
                on_click = hn!(|_| {
            }, 10;

§Full API

See zng_wgt_text_input::selectable for the full widget API.


  • W Default selectable text style.
  • W Styleable read-only text widget that can be selected and copied to clipboard.


  • P Extends or replaces the widget style.