
Module font

Expand description

Fonts service and text shaping.

The most common types in this module are used through the Text! widget properties related to font configuration.

use zng::{prelude::*, font::FontName};

Text! {
    txt = "hello";
    font_family = FontName::monospace();

Internally the Text! widget implements text segmenting and shaping using the types provided by this module, but you only need to interact with these types directly if you are authoring new text properties or a new custom text rendering widget.

The second most common type used is the FONTS service. The service can be used to register custom fonts, query system fonts and manage the font cache.

§Fonts Service

The example below demonstrates a font query and custom embedded font installation.

/// set custom fallback font for the ⌫ symbol.
async fn set_fallback_font() {
    use zng::font::*;
    let und = lang!(und);

    let shaped_icon = FONTS
        .sized(layout::Px(11), vec![])
        .shape_text(&SegmentedText::new("⌫", layout::LayoutDirection::LTR), &TextShapingArgs::default());

    if shaped_icon.is_empty() || shaped_icon.glyphs().flat_map(|g| g.1).any(|g| g.index == 0) {
        // OS UI and fallback fonts do not support `⌫`, load custom font that does.

        static FALLBACK: &[u8] = include_bytes!("res/calculator/notosanssymbols2-regular-subset.ttf");
        let fallback = CustomFont::from_bytes("fallback", FontDataRef::from_static(FALLBACK), 0);

        FONTS.generics().set_fallback(und, "fallback");

This code is taken from the examples/calculator.rs example, it uses FONTS.list to get the font system_ui fonts that are used by default. The code then checks if any of system fonts has a glyph for the character, if none of the fonts support it a CustomFont is loaded from an embedded font and installed using FONTS.register. Finally the FONTS.generics is used to override the fallback font.

The FONTS.generics can also be used to change what font is used for the specially named fonts like FontName::sans_serif.

§Text Segmenting and Shaping

The most advance feature provided by this module is text segmenting and shaping. Text segmenting is the process of analyzing raw text and splitting it into distinct segments that define things like the layout direction of text runs, words and spaces, points where text can be inserted and where wrap line-breaks can happen, this is defined the type SegmentedText. A segmented text can then be shaped, that is actual glyphs resolved for each segment and positioned according to available space, this is defined by the ShapedText type.

The example below segments and shapes a text, generating a markdown report from some of the data computed.

use std::fmt::Write as _;
use zng::{font::*, l10n::Lang, prelude_wgt::Px, text::*, var::Var};

async fn report_segment_and_glyphs(txt: &str, lang: &Lang) -> Txt {
    let mut report = formatx!("# Shape & Segment\n\n{txt}\n\n");

    // start font query in parallel
    let font_face = FONTS.list(

    // segment text
    let segmented_txt = SegmentedText::new(Txt::from_str(txt), lang.direction());

    write!(&mut report, "### Segments\n\n|text|kind|\n|--|--|\n").unwrap();
    for (txt, seg) in segmented_txt.iter() {
        writeln!(&mut report, "|{txt:?}|{:?}|", seg.kind).unwrap();

    // wait font query
    let font = font_face.wait_into_rsp().await;
    // gets the best font for the size
    let font = font.sized(Px(20), vec![]);

    write!(&mut report, "### Fonts\n\n").unwrap();
    let mut sep = "";
    for f in font.iter() {
        write!(&mut report, "{sep}{}", f.face().family_name()).unwrap();
        sep = ", ";
    writeln!(&mut report, "\n").unwrap();

    // shape text
    let shaped_txt = font.shape_text(
        &TextShapingArgs {
            lang: lang.clone(),
            direction: segmented_txt.base_direction(),
            line_height: font.best().metrics().line_height(),

    write!(&mut report, "### Glyphs\n\n|text|glyphs|\n|--|--|\n").unwrap();
    for line in shaped_txt.lines() {
        for seg in line.segs() {
            let txt = seg.text(txt);
            write!(&mut report, "|{txt:?}|").unwrap();
            let mut sep = "";
            for (font, glyphs) in seg.glyphs() {
                write!(&mut report, "{sep}**{}** ", font.face().family_name(),).unwrap();
                sep = " | ";

                let mut sep = "";
                for g in glyphs {
                    write!(&mut report, "{sep}{}", g.index).unwrap();
                    sep = ", ";
            writeln!(&mut report).unwrap();


Note that you can access the segmented and shaped text of a Text! widget using the TEXT service.

§Full API

See zng_ext_font for the full font and shaping API.







Type Aliases§