
Module panel

Expand description

Panel layout widget.

The Panel! widget allows widgets to

use zng::prelude::*;

let layouts = [
        wgt_fn!(|args: zng::panel::PanelArgs| {
            Stack! {
                direction = StackDirection::top_to_bottom();
                spacing = 5;
                children = args.children;
        wgt_fn!(|args: zng::panel::PanelArgs| {
            Wrap! {
                spacing = 5;
                children = args.children;
        wgt_fn!(|args: zng::panel::PanelArgs| {
            Grid! {
                columns = ui_vec![grid::Column!(100.pct())];
                auto_grow_fn = wgt_fn!(|_| grid::Row!(1.lft()));
                spacing = 5;
                cells = args.children;
let selected_layout = var(0usize);

zng::panel::Panel! {
    children = layouts.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, (name, _))| {
        Toggle! {
            value::<usize> = i;
            child = Text!(*name);
            grid::cell::at = grid::cell::AT_AUTO;
    toggle::selector = toggle::Selector::single(selected_layout.clone());

    panel_fn = selected_layout.map(move |&i| layouts[i].1.clone());

§Full API

See zng_wgt_panel for the full widget API.



  • Panel widget child node.
  • P Widget function that generates the panel layout widget.