
Module stack

Expand description

Stack layout widget, nodes and properties.

The Stack! widget is a layout panel stacks children, in Z and in a direction.

The example below declares a stack that animates between directions.

use zng::prelude::*;

let direction = var(StackDirection::top_to_bottom());
Stack! {
    direction = direction.easing(1.secs(), |t| easing::ease_out(easing::expo, t));
    spacing = 10;
    children_align = layout::Align::CENTER;

    toggle::selector = toggle::Selector::single(direction);
    children = [
        ("top_to_bottom", StackDirection::top_to_bottom()),
        ("left_to_right", StackDirection::left_to_right()),
        ("bottom_to_top", StackDirection::bottom_to_top()),
        ("right_to_left", StackDirection::right_to_left()),
        ("diagonal", StackDirection {
            place: layout::Point::bottom_right(),
            origin: layout::Point::top_left(),
            is_rtl_aware: false,
    .map(|(label, direction)| Toggle! {
        child = Text!(label);
        value::<StackDirection> = direction;

Note that the StackDirection is defined by two points, the stack widget resolves the place point in the previous child and the origin point in the next child and then positions the next child so that both points overlap. This enables custom layouts like partially overlapping children and the traditional horizontal and vertical stack.

§Full API

See zng_wgt_stack for the full widget API.


  • W Stack layout.
  • Defines a placement point in the previous item and the origin point of the next.

