
Module dialog

Expand description

Modal dialog overlay widget and service.

The DIALOG service provides custom and modal native dialogs.

use zng::prelude::*;

Button! {
    child = Text!("Info, Warn, Error");
    on_click = async_hn!(|_| {
        DIALOG.info("Info", "Information message.").wait_rsp().await;
        DIALOG.warn("Warn", "Warning message.").wait_rsp().await;
        DIALOG.error("Error", "Error message.").wait_rsp().await;
    // dialog::native_dialogs = true;

The example above shows 3 custom dialogs in sequence, info, warn and error. If dialog::native_dialogs = true is uncommented the example shows 3 native dialogs.

Custom dialogs modal widgets, rendered in the window content, instantiated using the Dialog! widget.

use zng::prelude::*;

let r = DIALOG
    .custom(dialog::Dialog! {
        style_fn = dialog::WarnStyle!();
        title = Text!(l10n!("save-dlg.title", "Save File?"));
        content = SelectableText!(l10n!("save-dlg.msg", "Save file? All unsaved changes will be lost."));
        responses = vec![
            dialog::Response::new("discard", l10n!("save-dlg.discard", "Discard")),
            dialog::Response::new("save", l10n!("save-dlg.save", "Save")),
if r.name == "save" {
    // save

The example above creates a custom dialog based on the warning dialog (WarnStyle!), it uses custom responses that are identified by name.

Some of the dialogs provided are native by default (and only native on this release), the example below shows a native save file dialog:

use zng::prelude::*;

let mut f = dialog::FileDialogFilters::default();
f.push_filter("Text Files", &["txt", "md"]);
f.push_filter("Text File", &["txt"]);
f.push_filter("Markdown File", &["md"]);
f.push_filter("All Files", &["*"]);
let filters = f;

let r = DIALOG
    .save_file("Save Text", "last/save/dir", "last-name.txt", filters)

if let Ok(Some(path)) = r {
    std::fs::write(path, "contents".as_bytes()).unwrap();

§Full API

See zng_wgt_dialog for the full view API.


  • Modal dialog parent widget that fills the window.




  • P Defines what native dialogs are used by dialogs opened on the context.