
Module button

Expand description

Button widget, styles and properties.

A simple clickable container widget, it can be used by directly handling the click events or by setting it to operate a Command.

§Click Events

The button widget implements the gesture::on_click event so you can use it directly, but like any other widget all events can be set. The example below demonstrates both ways of setting events.

use zng::prelude::*;

let count = var(0u8);
Button! {
    child = Text!(count.map(|c| match *c {
        0 => Txt::from("Click Me!"),
        1 => Txt::from("Clicked 1 time."),
        n => formatx!("Clicked {n} times."),
    on_click = hn!(count, |_| {
        count.set(count.get() + 1);
    gesture::on_pre_click = hn!(|args: &gesture::ClickArgs| {
        if count.get() == 10 {


Instead of handling events directly the button widget can be set to represents a command. If the cmd property is set the button widget will automatically set properties from command metadata, you can manually set some of these properties to override the command default.

use zng::prelude::*;

Stack!(left_to_right, 5, ui_vec![
    // shorthand
    // cmd with custom child
    Button! {
        cmd = zng::clipboard::PASTE_CMD;
        child = Text!("Custom Label");

The properties a command button sets are documented in the cmd property docs. Of particular importance is the widget::visibility, it is set so that the button is only visible if the command has any handlers, enabled or disabled, this is done because commands are considered irrelevant in the current context if they don’t even have a disabled handler. The example above will only be visible if you set handlers for those commands.

zng::clipboard::COPY_CMD.on_event(true, app_hn!(|_, _| { println!("copy") })).perm();
zng::clipboard::PASTE_CMD.on_event(true, app_hn!(|_, _| { println!("paste") })).perm();
Window! {
    child = cmd_btn_example();


The button widget is styleable, the style_fn property can be set in any parent widget or the button itself to extend or replace the button style.

§Base Colors

The default style derive all colors from the base_color, so if you only want to change color of buttons you can use this property.

The example below extends the button style to change the button color to red when it represents an specific command.

use zng::prelude::*;
use zng::{button, color::base_color};

Window! {
    button::style_fn = Style! {
        when *#{button::BUTTON.cmd()} == Some(window::cmd::CLOSE_CMD) {
            base_color = color::LightDark {
                // light theme base
                light: colors::WHITE.with_alpha(80.pct()).mix_normal(colors::RED),
                // dark theme base
                dark: colors::BLACK.with_alpha(80.pct()).mix_normal(colors::RED),

§Full API

See zng_wgt_button for the full widget API.



  • P Extends or replaces the widget style.