Expand description
ANSI text widget.
This widget displays text styled using ANSI escape codes, commonly used to style terminal text.
zng::ansi_text::AnsiText! {
txt = "[32;1mGREEN&BOLD[47m";
The example above renders GREEN&BOLD
§Full API
See zng_wgt_ansi_text
for the full widget API.
- Represents the ANSI style of a text run.
Render text styled using ANSI escape sequences.- Iterator that parses ANSI escape codes.
- Represents a segment of ANSI styled text that shares the same style.
- Arguments for a widget function for a text line.
- Arguments for a widget function for a stack of lines.
- Arguments for a widget function for a stack of pages.
- Arguments for a widget function for an ANSI styled text fragment.
- Named ANSI color.
- Font weight defined by ANSI escape codes.