Type Alias zng_var::BoxedVar

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pub type BoxedVar<T> = Box<dyn VarBoxed<T>>;
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Represents a Var<T> boxed.

Aliased Type§

struct BoxedVar<T>(/* private fields */);

Trait Implementations§


impl<T: VarValue> AnyVar for BoxedVar<T>


fn clone_any(&self) -> BoxedAnyVar

Clone the variable into a type erased box. Read more

fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any

Access to dyn Any methods.

fn as_unboxed_any(&self) -> &dyn Any

Access to dyn Any methods, on the underlying variable type if boxed.

fn double_boxed_any(self: Box<Self>) -> Box<dyn Any>

Access to Box<dyn Any> methods, with the BoxedVar<T> type. Read more

fn var_type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of T in Var<T>.

fn get_any(&self) -> Box<dyn AnyVarValue>

Get a clone of the current value, with type erased.

fn with_any(&self, read: &mut dyn FnMut(&dyn AnyVarValue))

Visit the current value of the variable.

fn with_new_any(&self, read: &mut dyn FnMut(&dyn AnyVarValue)) -> bool

Visit the current value of the variable, if it is_new.

fn set_any(&self, value: Box<dyn AnyVarValue>) -> Result<(), VarIsReadOnlyError>

Schedule a new value for the variable, it will be set in the end of the current app update. Read more

fn last_update(&self) -> VarUpdateId

Last update ID a variable was modified, if the ID is equal to VARS.update_id the variable is new.

fn is_contextual(&self) -> bool

If the variable represents different values depending on the context where they are read.

fn capabilities(&self) -> VarCapability

Flags that indicate what operations the variable is capable of in this update.

fn hook_any( &self, pos_modify_action: Box<dyn Fn(&AnyVarHookArgs<'_>) -> bool + Send + Sync> ) -> VarHandle

Setups a callback for just after the variable value update is applied, the closure runs in the root app context, just like the modify closure. The closure can return if it is retained after each call. If you modify another variable in a hook the modification applies in the same update, variable mapping and binding is implemented using hooks. Read more

fn hook_animation_stop( &self, handler: Box<dyn FnOnce() + Send> ) -> Result<(), Box<dyn FnOnce() + Send>>

Register a handler to be called when the current animation stops. Read more

fn strong_count(&self) -> usize

Gets the number of strong references to the variable. Read more

fn weak_count(&self) -> usize

Gets the number of weak references to the variable. Read more

fn actual_var_any(&self) -> BoxedAnyVar

Gets a clone of the represented var from ContextVar<T>, gets a clone of self for other var types.

fn downgrade_any(&self) -> BoxedAnyWeakVar

Create a weak reference to this Arc variable. Read more

fn is_animating(&self) -> bool

If the variable current value was set by an active animation. Read more

fn modify_importance(&self) -> usize

Gets a value that indicates the importance clearance that is needed to modify this variable. Read more

fn var_ptr(&self) -> VarPtr<'_>

Var pointer, that can be used to identify if two variables point to the same rc or context. Read more

fn get_debug(&self) -> Txt

Get the value as a debug Txt.

fn update(&self) -> Result<(), VarIsReadOnlyError>

Schedule a variable update, even if the value does no change. Read more

fn map_debug(&self) -> BoxedVar<Txt>

Create a map that converts from T to a Txt debug print.

fn is_new(&self) -> bool

Gets if the last_update is the current update, meaning the variable value just changed. Read more

impl<T: VarValue> Clone for BoxedVar<T>


fn clone(&self) -> Self

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl<T: VarValue> IntoVar<T> for BoxedVar<T>


type Var = Box<dyn VarBoxed<T>>

Variable type that will wrap the T value. Read more

fn into_var(self) -> Self::Var

Converts the source value into a var.

fn into_boxed_var(self) -> BoxedVar<T>
where Self: Sized,

Converts into BoxedVar<T>. Read more

impl<T: VarValue> Var<T> for BoxedVar<T>


type ReadOnly = Box<dyn VarBoxed<T>>

Output of Var::read_only.

type ActualVar = Box<dyn VarBoxed<T>>

Output of Var::actual_var.

type Downgrade = Box<dyn WeakVarBoxed<T>>

Output of Var::downgrade.

type Map<O: VarValue> = Box<dyn VarBoxed<O>>

Output of Var::map.

type MapBidi<O: VarValue> = Box<dyn VarBoxed<O>>

Output of Var::map_bidi.

type FlatMap<O: VarValue, V: Var<O>> = Box<dyn VarBoxed<O>>

Output of Var::map_bidi.

type FilterMap<O: VarValue> = Box<dyn VarBoxed<O>>

Output of Var::filter_map.

type FilterMapBidi<O: VarValue> = Box<dyn VarBoxed<O>>


type MapRef<O: VarValue> = Box<dyn VarBoxed<O>>

Output of Var::map_ref.

type MapRefBidi<O: VarValue> = Box<dyn VarBoxed<O>>


type Easing = Box<dyn VarBoxed<T>>

Output of Var::easing.

fn with<R, F>(&self, read: F) -> R
where F: FnOnce(&T) -> R,

Visit the current value of the variable.

fn modify<F>(&self, modify: F) -> Result<(), VarIsReadOnlyError>
where F: FnOnce(&mut VarModify<'_, T>) + Send + 'static,

Schedule a variable update, it will be applied on the end of the current app update.

fn boxed(self) -> BoxedVar<T>

Gets the variable as a BoxedVar<T>, does not double box.

fn boxed_any(self) -> BoxedAnyVar
where Self: Sized,

Gets the variable as a BoxedAnyVar, does not double box.

fn actual_var(self) -> BoxedVar<T>

Gets the current inner var represented by this var. This can be the same var or a context var.

fn downgrade(&self) -> BoxedWeakVar<T>

Create a weak reference to this Arc variable.

fn into_value(self) -> T

Convert this variable to the value, if possible moves the value, if it is shared clones it.

fn read_only(&self) -> Self::ReadOnly

Gets a clone of the var that is always read-only. Read more

fn map<O, M>(&self, map: M) -> Self::Map<O>
where O: VarValue, M: FnMut(&T) -> O + Send + 'static,

Creates a var that maps from this variable. Read more

fn map_bidi<O, M, B>(&self, map: M, map_back: B) -> Self::MapBidi<O>
where O: VarValue, M: FnMut(&T) -> O + Send + 'static, B: FnMut(&O) -> T + Send + 'static,

Create a var that maps from this variable on read and to it on write. Read more

fn flat_map<O, V, M>(&self, map: M) -> Self::FlatMap<O, V>
where O: VarValue, V: Var<O>, M: FnMut(&T) -> V + Send + 'static,

Create a var that maps to an inner variable that is found inside the value of this variable. Read more

fn filter_map<O, M, I>(&self, map: M, fallback: I) -> Self::FilterMap<O>
where O: VarValue, M: FnMut(&T) -> Option<O> + Send + 'static, I: Fn() -> O + Send + Sync + 'static,

Creates a ref-counted var that maps from this variable, but can retain a previous mapped value. Read more

fn filter_map_bidi<O, M, B, I>( &self, map: M, map_back: B, fallback: I ) -> Self::FilterMapBidi<O>
where O: VarValue, M: FnMut(&T) -> Option<O> + Send + 'static, B: FnMut(&O) -> Option<T> + Send + 'static, I: Fn() -> O + Send + Sync + 'static,

Create a var that maps from this variable on read and to it on write, mapping in both directions can skip updates, retaining the previous mapped value. Read more

fn map_ref<O, M>(&self, map: M) -> Self::MapRef<O>
where O: VarValue, M: Fn(&T) -> &O + Send + Sync + 'static,

Create a mapping wrapper around self. The map closure is called for each value access, it must reference the value O that already exists in T.

fn map_ref_bidi<O, M, B>(&self, map: M, map_mut: B) -> Self::MapRefBidi<O>
where O: VarValue, M: Fn(&T) -> &O + Send + Sync + 'static, B: Fn(&mut T) -> &mut O + Send + Sync + 'static,

Create a mapping wrapper around self. The map closure is called for each value access, it must reference the value O that already exists in T, the map_mut closure is called for every modify request, it must do the same as map but with mutable access.

fn easing<F>(&self, duration: Duration, easing: F) -> Self::Easing
where T: Transitionable, F: Fn(EasingTime) -> EasingStep + Send + Sync + 'static,

Create a vars that ease to each new value of self. Read more

fn easing_with<F, S>( &self, duration: Duration, easing: F, sampler: S ) -> Self::Easing
where T: Transitionable, F: Fn(EasingTime) -> EasingStep + Send + Sync + 'static, S: Fn(&Transition<T>, EasingStep) -> T + Send + Sync + 'static,

Create a vars that ease_with to each new value of self. Read more

fn hook( &self, pos_modify_action: impl Fn(&VarHookArgs<'_, T>) -> bool + Send + Sync + 'static ) -> VarHandle

Setups a callback for just after the variable value update is applied, the closure runs in the root app context, just like the modify closure. The closure can return if it is retained after each call. If you modify another variable in a hook the modification applies in the same update, variable mapping and binding is implemented using hooks. Read more

fn wait_update(&self) -> impl Future<Output = VarUpdateId> + Send + Sync

Awaits for the last_update to change. Read more

fn wait_animation(&self) -> impl Future<Output = ()> + Send + Sync

Awaits for is_animating to change from true to false. Read more

fn wait_value( &self, predicate: impl Fn(&T) -> bool + Send + Sync ) -> impl Future<Output = ()> + Send + Sync

Awaits for a value that passes the predicate.

fn with_new<R, F>(&self, read: F) -> Option<R>
where F: FnOnce(&T) -> R,

Visit the current value of the variable, if it is_new.

fn get(&self) -> T

Get a clone of the current value.

fn get_into(&self, value: &mut T)

Get a clone of the current value into value.

fn get_ne(&self, value: &mut T) -> bool

Get a clone of the current value into value if the current value is not equal to it.

fn get_new(&self) -> Option<T>

Get a clone of the current value, if it is_new.

fn get_new_into(&self, value: &mut T) -> bool

Get a clone of the current value into value if the current value is_new.

fn get_new_ne(&self, value: &mut T) -> bool

Get a clone of the current value into value if the variable value is_new and not equal to the value.

fn set<I>(&self, value: I) -> Result<(), VarIsReadOnlyError>
where I: Into<T>,

Schedule a new value for the variable, it will be set in the end of the current app update.

fn set_from<I>(&self, other: &I) -> Result<(), VarIsReadOnlyError>
where I: Var<T>,

Schedule a new value for the variable, it will be set in the end of the current app update to the updated value of other, so if the other var has already scheduled an update, the updated value will be used. Read more

fn set_from_map<Iv, I, M>( &self, other: &I, map: M ) -> Result<(), VarIsReadOnlyError>
where Iv: VarValue, I: Var<Iv>, M: FnOnce(&Iv) -> T + Send + 'static,

Set from other value at the time of update, mapped to the type of self.

fn cow(&self) -> ArcCowVar<T, Self>

Create a var that redirects to this variable until the first value update, then it behaves like a ArcVar<T>. Read more

fn map_into<O>(&self) -> Self::Map<O>
where O: VarValue, T: Into<O>,

Creates a map that converts from T to O using Into<O>.

fn filter_try_into<O, I>(&self, fallback: I) -> Self::FilterMap<O>
where O: VarValue, T: TryInto<O>, I: Fn() -> O + Send + Sync + 'static,

Create a filter_map that tries to convert from T to O using TryInto<O>.

fn bind_map<T2, V2, M>(&self, other: &V2, map: M) -> VarHandle
where T2: VarValue, V2: Var<T2>, M: FnMut(&T) -> T2 + Send + 'static,

Setup a hook that assigns other with the new values of self transformed by map. Read more

fn bind_filter_map<T2, V2, F>(&self, other: &V2, map: F) -> VarHandle
where T2: VarValue, V2: Var<T2>, F: FnMut(&T) -> Option<T2> + Send + 'static,

Setup a hook that assigns other with the new values of self transformed by map, if the closure returns a value. Read more

fn bind_map_bidi<T2, V2, M, B>( &self, other: &V2, map: M, map_back: B ) -> VarHandles
where T2: VarValue, V2: Var<T2>, M: FnMut(&T) -> T2 + Send + 'static, B: FnMut(&T2) -> T + Send + 'static,

Bind self to other and back without causing an infinite loop. Read more

fn bind_filter_map_bidi<T2, V2, M, B>( &self, other: &V2, map: M, map_back: B ) -> VarHandles
where T2: VarValue, V2: Var<T2>, M: FnMut(&T) -> Option<T2> + Send + 'static, B: FnMut(&T2) -> Option<T> + Send + 'static,

Bind self to other and back with the new values of self transformed by map and the new values of other transformed by map_back, the value is assigned in a update only if the closures returns a value. Read more

fn bind<V2>(&self, other: &V2) -> VarHandle
where V2: Var<T>,

Setup a hook that assigns other with the new values of self. Read more

fn set_bind<V2>(&self, other: &V2) -> VarHandle
where V2: Var<T>,

Calls other.set_from(self) and self.bind(other).

fn bind_bidi<V2>(&self, other: &V2) -> VarHandles
where V2: Var<T>,

Setup two hooks that assigns other with the new values of self and self with the new values of other. Read more

fn trace_value<E, S>(&self, enter_value: E) -> VarHandle
where E: FnMut(&TraceValueArgs<'_, T>) -> S + Send + 'static, S: Send + 'static,

Debug helper for tracing the lifetime of a value in this variable. Read more

fn animate<A>(&self, animate: A) -> AnimationHandle
where A: FnMut(&Animation, &mut VarModify<'_, T>) + Send + 'static,

Schedule an animation that targets this variable. Read more

fn sequence<A>(&self, animate: A) -> VarHandle
where A: FnMut(&<<Self::ActualVar as Var<T>>::Downgrade as WeakVar<T>>::Upgrade) -> AnimationHandle + Send + 'static,

Schedule animations started by animate, the closure is called once at the start to begin, then again every time the variable stops animating. Read more

fn step<N>(&self, new_value: N, delay: Duration) -> AnimationHandle
where N: Into<T>,

Set the variable to new_value after a delay. Read more

fn step_oci<N>(&self, new_value: N, delay: Duration) -> AnimationHandle
where N: Into<T>,

Oscillate between the current value and new_value, every time the delay elapses the variable is set to the next value.

fn set_step_oci<V0, V1>( &self, from: V0, to: V1, delay: Duration ) -> AnimationHandle
where V0: Into<T>, V1: Into<T>,

Oscillate between from and to, the variable is set to from to start and every time the delay elapses the variable is set to the next value.

fn steps<F>( &self, steps: Vec<(Factor, T)>, duration: Duration, easing: F ) -> AnimationHandle
where F: Fn(EasingTime) -> EasingStep + Send + 'static,

Set the variable to a sequence of values as a time duration elapses. Read more

fn debug(&self) -> VarDebug<'_, T, Self>

Returns a wrapper that implements fmt::Debug to write the var value.