
Module colors

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Named primary, secondary and tertiary colors.

You can use darken and lighten to derive more shades from these colors.


  • Azure, #0080FF, rgb(0, 128, 255).
  • Black, #000000, rgb(0, 0, 0).
  • Blue, #0000FF, rgb(0, 0, 255).
  • Cyan, #00FFFF, rgb(0, 255, 255).
  • Gray, #808080, rgb(128, 128, 128).
  • Green, #00FF00, rgb(0, 255, 0).
  • Lime, #80FF00, rgb(128, 255, 0).
  • Magenta, #FF00FF, rgb(255, 0, 255).
  • Orange, #FF8000, rgb(255, 128, 0).
  • Red, #FF0000, rgb(255, 0, 0).
  • Rose, #FF0080, rgb(255, 0, 128).
  • Spring, #00FF80, rgb(0, 255, 128).
  • Violet, #8000FF, rgb(128, 0, 255).
  • White, #FFFFFF, rgb(255, 255, 255).
  • Yellow, #FFFF00, rgb(255, 255, 0).
