Macro zng_wgt::wgt_fn

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macro_rules! wgt_fn {
    ($fn:path) => { ... };
    ($($tt:tt)+) => { ... };
    () => { ... };
Expand description

Declares a widget function closure.

The output type is a WidgetFn, the closure is clmv!.


  • wgt_fn!(cloned, |_args| Wgt!()) - Clone-move closure, the same syntax as clmv! you can list the cloned values before the closure.
  • wgt_fn!(path::to::func) - The macro also accepts unction, the signature must receive the args and return a widget.
  • wgt_fn!() - An empty call generates the WidgetFn::nil() value.


Declares a basic widget function that ignores the argument and does not capture any value:

wgt_fn!(|_| Wgt! {
    on_init = hn!(|_| println!("generated widget init"));

The macro is clone-move, meaning you can use the same syntax as clmv! to capture clones of values:

let moved_var = var('a');
let cloned_var = var('b');

wgt_fn!(cloned_var, |args| {
        "wgt_fn, args: {:?}, moved_var: {}, cloned_var: {}",