Trait zng_app::widget::UiTaskWidget

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pub trait UiTaskWidget<R> {
    // Required method
    fn new<F>(target: Option<WidgetId>, task: F) -> Self
       where F: Future<Output = R> + Send + 'static;
Expand description

Integrate UiTask with widget updates.

Required Methods§


fn new<F>(target: Option<WidgetId>, task: F) -> Self
where F: Future<Output = R> + Send + 'static,

Create a UI bound future executor.

The task is inert and must be polled using update to start, and it must be polled every UiNode::update after that, in widgets the target can be set so that the update requests are received.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl<R> UiTaskWidget<R> for UiTask<R>


fn new<F>(target: Option<WidgetId>, task: F) -> Self
where F: Future<Output = R> + Send + 'static,
