
Constant GLOB_HELP

const GLOB_HELP: &str = "
Copy all matches in place

The request file:
   | # localization dir
   | l10n
   | # only Fluent files
   | **/*.ftl
   | # except test locales
   | !:**/pseudo*

Copies all '.ftl' not in a *pseudo* path to:

The first path pattern is required and defines the entries that
will be copied, an initial pattern with '**' flattens the matches.
The path is relative to the Cargo workspace root.

The subsequent patterns are optional and filter each file or dir selected by
the first pattern. The paths are relative to each match, if it is a file 
the filters apply to the file name only, if it is a dir the filters apply to
the dir and descendants.

The glob pattern syntax is:

    ? — matches any single character.
    * — matches any (possibly empty) sequence of characters.
   ** — matches the current directory and arbitrary subdirectories.
  [c] — matches any character inside the brackets.
[a-z] — matches any characters in the Unicode sequence.
 [!b] — negates the brackets match.

And in filter patterns only:

!:pattern — negates the entire pattern.
