
Constant APK_HELP

const APK_HELP: &str = r#"
Build an Android APK from a staging directory

The expected file system layout:

| apk/
| ├── lib/
| |   └── arm64-v8a
| |       └──
| ├── assets/
| |   └── res
| |       └── zng-res.txt
| ├── res/
| |   └── android-res
| └── AndroidManifest.xml
| my-app.zr-apk

Both 'apk/' and 'my-app.zr-apk' will be replaced with the built my-app.apk

Expected .zr-apk file content:

| # Relative path to the staging directory. If not set uses ./apk if it exists
| # or the parent dir .. if it is named something.apk
| apk-dir = ./apk
| # Sign using the debug key. Note that if ZR_APK_KEYSTORE or ZR_APK_KEY_ALIAS are not
| # set the APK is also signed using the debug key.
| debug = true
| # Don't sign and don't zipalign the APK. This outputs an incomplete package that
| # cannot be installed, but can be modified such as custom linking and signing.
| raw = true
| # Don't tar assets. By default `assets/res` are packed as `assets/res.tar`
| # for use with `android_install_res`.
| tar-assets-res = false

APK signing is configured using these environment variables:

ZR_APK_KEYSTORE - path to the private .keystore file
ZR_APK_KEYSTORE_PASS - keystore file password
ZR_APK_KEY_ALIAS - key name in the keystore
ZR_APK_KEY_PASS - key password