Trait zng_ext_config::Config

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pub trait Config: AnyConfig {
    // Required method
    fn get<T: ConfigValue>(
        &mut self,
        key: impl Into<ConfigKey>,
        default: impl FnOnce() -> T
    ) -> BoxedVar<T>;
Expand description

Represents one or more config sources.

Required Methods§


fn get<T: ConfigValue>( &mut self, key: impl Into<ConfigKey>, default: impl FnOnce() -> T ) -> BoxedVar<T>

Gets a variable that is bound to the config key.

The same variable is returned for multiple requests of the same key. If the loaded config is not read-only the returned variable can be set to update the config source.

The default closure is used to generate a value if the key is not found in the config, the default value is not inserted in the config, the key is inserted or replaced only when the returned variable updates. Note that the default closure may be used even if the key is already in the config, depending on the config implementation.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
