
Macro async_clmv_fn

macro_rules! async_clmv_fn {
    ($($tt:tt)+) => { ... };
Expand description

Async clone move closure.

The macro syntax is exactly the same as clmv!, but it expands to an async closure that captures a clone of zero or more variables and moves another clone of these variables into the returned future for each call.


In the example bar is cloned into the closure and then it is cloned again for each future generated by the closure.

async fn foo<F: Future<Output=()>, H: FnMut(bool) -> F + 'static>(mut f: H) {

let bar = "Cool!".to_owned();
foo(async_clmv_fn!(bar, |p| {
    if p { println!("cloned: {bar}") }

println!("original: {bar}");

Expands to:

    let bar = bar.clone();
    move |p| {
        let bar = bar.clone();
        async move {
            if p { println!("cloned: {bar}") }

Note that this is different from an async closure, it returns 'static futures that do not borrow the closure.


See async_clmv_fn_once! for creating FnOnce closures.